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Phrase Over the Air (OTA) SDK for iOS

Publish your translations faster and simpler than ever before. Stop waiting for the next deployment and start publishing all your translations in real-time directly in Phrase Strings.

Head over to the Phrase Help Center to learn about this feature and how to use it in your apps:


With the SDK, the app regularly checks for updated translations and downloads them in the background.

Mac Catalyst is also supported.

The SDK can be installed manually or via Swift Package Manager, Carthage or Cocoa Pods.

Example app

Swift Package Manager

Add the public repository URL ( Xcode automatically handles the rest of the installation.


Add the following line into your Cartfile:

binary "" ~> 5.0.0

Run carthage update --use-xcframeworks and add the PhraseSDK.xcframework to your project as described in the Carthage documentation.

Cocoa Pods

Add the following line into your Podfile:

pod 'PhraseSDK'

Run pod install. If new to CocoaPods, see their documentation.

Manual installation

  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Add PhraseSDK.xcframework in Xcode as the linked binary to the target.


  1. Import PhraseSDK
import PhraseSDK
  1. Initialize the SDK
  distributionID: <Distribution ID>,
  environmentSecret: <Environment Secret>
  1. Update translations

To update localization files call Phrase.shared.updateTranslation(). This method will raises an exception if SDK is not correctly setup.

To configure OTA to use the US data center, set the host before calling PhraseApp.shared.updateTranslation() with Phrase.shared.configuration.apiHost = .us.

Calling both functions within the AppDelegate in the applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions method is recommended.


Integrate the SDK into the Objective-C application:

@import PhraseSDK;

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
  [[Phrase shared] setDebugMode:true]; // Optional

  [[Phrase shared] setupWithDistributionID:@"Your Distribution ID"
                         environmentSecret:@"Your Environment Secret"];

  // OR:
  //  [[Phrase shared] setupWithDistributionID:@"Your Distribution ID"
  //                         environmentSecret:@"Your Environment Secret"
  //                                   timeout:10];

  // Update translations using callback block:
  [[Phrase shared] updateTranslationsWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL updated, NSError* error){
    NSLog(@"Updated: %@", updated ? @"true" : @"false");

    if (error) {
      NSLog(@"Domain: %@ Code: %ld Message: %@", error.domain, (long)error.code, error.localizedDescription);
    } else {
      NSLog(@"No error");

    // Translate via bundle proxy:
    NSString *translation = NSLocalizedString(@"layouts.application.about", @"");
    NSLog(@"NSLocalizedString via bundle proxy: %@", translation);

    // OR:
    // Translate using fallback method:
    NSString *otherTranslation = [[Phrase shared]
                                  localizedStringForKey:@"layouts.application.about" value:NULL table:NULL];
    NSLog(@"Phrase.shared localizedStringForKey: %@", otherTranslation);

  // OR:
  // [[Phrase shared] updateTranslationsWithCompletionHandler:NULL]; // ignore result and errors (not recommended)

  // [...] Your other code

  return YES;

Disable swizzling

To disable swizzling, set PhraseSDKMainBundleProxyDisabled to YES in the Info.plist file.

When swizzling is disabled, updated translations are no longer be displayed. The translation will still be synced if updateTranslation is called and can be accessed with the Phrase.localizedString() method.

App version handling

To determine which release should be returned the SDK requires a semantic version of the app so translations are updated.

The SDK attempts to get a semantic version the following way:

  • CFBundleShortVersionString is used if semantic.
  • If not, CFBundleVersion is used if semantic.
  • If both are not semantic, a combination of (CFBundleShortVersionString.CFBundleVersion) is used.

If CFBundleShortVersionString is missing or unable to be created with a semantic version together with CFBundleVersion, the SDK throws the PhraseSetupError.appVersionNotSemantic message.

Disable translation for multiple tables

To prevent OTA from translating any tables in the main iOS bundle other than the default Localizable table, set the following option:

Phrase.shared.configuration.ignoreOtherTables = true


Attach a callback handler to handle successful translation updates:

do {
   let updated = try await Phrase.shared.updateTranslation()
} catch error {

Debug mode

If further information is required, enable the debug mode to get additional logging of the PhraseSDK.framework into the console:

Phrase.shared.configuration.debugMode = true

Set timeout for requests

Set a timeout for the requests against Phrase by calling:

Phrase.shared.configuration.timeout = TimeInterval(20)

The default timeout is 10 seconds and connections taking longer than 10 seconds will be closed.

Provide manual language override

If not using the system language as the locale, a different locale can be set in the init call. The locale code needs to be present in a release from Phrase:

Phrase.shared.configuration.localeOverride = "en-US"


In case new translations cannot be fetched from Phrase via the SDK, the latest translation files that the installation received are used. If the App never received new files from Phrase, it uses the compiled translation files of app. This prevents errors in case of any technical difficulties or networking errors. Keeping your translation files that are compiled into the app up to date with every release is recommended.


If translations are not being updated:

  • Ensure distribution id and environment secret are correct.
  • Ensure a release was created on for the current app version.

If the wrong version of a translation is being used, ensure a release with the latest translations and the current app version is available.


The SDK is closed source and can not be viewed or modified. If it is an organization requirement, audits can be provided. Contact us for more details if required.

Migration Guide: From Version 4.x.x to 5.x.x

Before You Begin

Here’s what you need to know before updating to SDK 5.x.x:

  • The minimum supported iOS version for SDK 5.x.x is iOS 15.0.
  • SDK 5.x.x requires Swift 6.0 or later.

Changed update function

In version 4.x.x, the updateTranslation function was implemented using a callback-based approach.

do {
    try Phrase.shared.updateTranslation { result in
        switch result {
        case let .success(translationChanged):
            if translationChanged {
      "Translations changed")
            } else {
                logger.debug("Translations remain unchanged")
        case let .failure(error):
            logger.error("An error occurred: \(error)")
} catch {
    logger.error("Unexpected error: \(error)")

In version 5.x.x, this method has been updated to leverage Swift's modern concurrency model and is now implemented using async/await.

Task {
    do {
        let updated = try await Phrase.shared.updateTranslation()
        if updated {
  "Translations changed")
        } else {
            logger.debug("Translations remain unchanged")
    } catch {
        logger.error("An error occurred: \(error)")