Version 0.7.0 Stable
16647 commits
to master
since this release
- Now the namespace can be set in a path of the route and it will passed automatically to the dispatcher
- Implementing URL generation based on routes without regular expressions
- Now is possible register a template engine in Phalcon\Mvc\View with an anonymous function
- Passing 'compileAlways' => true as option for Volt makes that the templates will be always compiled instead of checking if they have changes
- Now Phalcon\Cache\Backend adapters return false in the "exists" method if the cache has expired
- Fixed bug in Phalcon\Db\Result\Pdo::seek when using bind parameters
- Implemented a fast way to retrieve object's members without adding a memory frame
- Now Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher checks for methods beforeExecuteRoute and afterExecuteRoute in the controller handler
- Added phalcon_start_with to check if a zval string starts with other string avoiding substrs in PHP userland
- Added interfaces to most classes helping the developer to easily create component replacements and add new adapters/classes
- Implemented interfaces on their own components
- Implemented event propagation, event cancelation and ability to stop events in EventsManager
- Added Phalcon\Dispatcher::getDefaultNamespace
- Added a $merge parameter to every Phalcon\Loader strategy to merge current values with a new array
- Implemented registering services as "always shared"
- Now Phalcon\Mvc\Model::save, Phalcon\Mvc\Model::create, Phalcon\Mvc\Model::update receives an array to assign the model's attributes from it
- Support for UTF-8/UTF-16 characters on 32 bit platforms for PHQL/Volt parsers
- Support for custom schemas in PHQL
- Now is possible pass bound parameters to Phalcon\DB::fetchOne and Phalcon\Db::fetchAll
- Implemented independent column map for models and a full escaping system for columns/tables/schemas according to the database system conventions
- Added a $merge parameter to Phalcon\Mvc\Application::registerModules to merge new modules with current ones
- Phalcon\Mvc\Application now allows registering a module using an anonymous function
- Added Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Builder aiding in the creation of PHQL queries using an OO interface
- Support for COUNT(DISTINCT x) syntax in PHQL
- Allowing user-defined messages in most Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Validators
- Now Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Validator\StringLength uses mb_strlen when it is available
- Allowed pass a URI manually to Phalcon\Mvc\Micro::handle()
- Fixed missing json_encode filter in Volt
- Moving cache implementation from Phalcon\Mvc\Model to Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query, this allows caching both simple and complex resultsets
- Added Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\QueryBuilder to use a PHQL Query Builder as source of data
- Added adapter for Oracle databases in Phalcon\Db