Firmware development template for ATSAME5x microcontrollers from Atmel
- ATSAMD5x (untested)
clone the repo (recomended you fork the repo to your account first)
git clone
open code on the software directory
cd code same5x-dev/software
The binaries will be located at bin/APP_NAME.bin
and bin/APP_NAME.elf
if you're taking advantage of code you can use these shortcuts:
Ctrl + Shift + B (Build task)
F5 (Start Debugging)
Otherwise you can
make (Build)
make clean (Clean)
This project requires libopencm3 to be installed system-wide. I will only be able to provide techincal support for Archlinux.
- editor: code
- Compiler: arm-none-eabi-gcc
- armmem: armmem
These extension help with development.
- C/C++ IntelliSesnse
- Cortex-Debug
- Rafael Silva - 🇵🇹 - initial work- gimbas
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.