- labeled text
- box
- drop-down box
- text box, basic text editor
- keyboard reading and control
- cursor movement
# build
# q or Ctrl^C to exit
# Enter -> Go to dropdown box
# i Enter edit mode, enter characters and edit.
# esc to exit edit mode, move cursor up, down, left and right
#include "tui.h"
#include <signal.h>
struct ui_t *g_ui = NULL;
void draw_box1(struct ui_t *ui) {ui_box(ui, "box1");}
void draw_box2(struct ui_t *ui) { ui_box(ui, "box2"); }
void draw_text(struct ui_t *ui) { ui_text(ui, "text1");}
void draw_retext(struct ui_t *ui) { ui_retext(ui, "text1", "World"); }
void draw_retext1(struct ui_t *ui) { ui_retext(ui, "text1", "World1"); }
void draw_input(struct ui_t *ui) { ui_input_field(ui, "input1"); }
void draw_dropdown(struct ui_t *ui) { ui_dropdown_close(ui, "dropdown1"); }
void exit_handler(int sig) {ui_free(g_ui);}
void key_event(struct ui_t *ui) {
static bool is_ctrl_mode = true;
int ch = ui_read_key();
if(ch == EOF) return ;
if(!is_ctrl_mode) {
if(ch == ESC) {
is_ctrl_mode = true;
}else if(ch == BACKSPACE) ui_input_field_del_ch(ui, "input1");
else ui_input_field_add_ch(ui, "input1", ch);
list_push(g_ui->event_list, draw_input);
if(ch == 'q') ui_free(g_ui);
else if(ch == ARROW_LEFT) ui_text_cursor(ui, "text1", -1);
else if(ch == ARROW_RIGHT) ui_text_cursor(ui, "text1", 1);
else if(ch == 'i' && is_ctrl_mode) {
is_ctrl_mode = false;
else if(ch == RET) ui_dropdown_open(ui, "dropdown1", 1);
// else { printf("%d\n", ch); }
void main()
signal(SIGINT, exit_handler);
signal(SIGSEGV, exit_handler);
signal(SIGABRT, exit_handler);
g_ui = ui_new();
dict_put(g_ui->box_dict, "box1", &(struct ui_box_t){1, 1, 20, 10, "box1"});
dict_put(g_ui->box_dict, "box2", &(struct ui_box_t){1, 21, 20, 10, "box2"});
dict_put(g_ui->text_dict, "text1", &(struct ui_text_t){2, 2, "Hello", TEXT_NONE, 1});
dict_put(g_ui->input_dict, "input1", &(struct ui_input_t){11, 1, 20, 3, "", TEXT_NONE});
struct ui_dropdown_t dropdown = {12, 21, 20, "choose one dropdown", make_list(), 0};
list_push(dropdown.list, "dropdown1");
list_push(dropdown.list, "dropdown2");
list_push(dropdown.list, "dropdown3");
dict_put(g_ui->dropdown_dict, "dropdown1", &dropdown);
list_push(g_ui->long_life_event, key_event);
list_push(g_ui->event_list, draw_box1);
list_push(g_ui->event_list, draw_box2);
list_push(g_ui->event_list, draw_text);
list_push(g_ui->event_list, draw_retext);
list_push(g_ui->event_list, draw_input);
list_push(g_ui->event_list, draw_dropdown);