Compute message digest for large files in Go
An example project, for my column named "Core Golang - 36 lessons"
A simple library for analyze and generate dhcp packets on C
A minimal, resource-friendly syslog daemon for embedded Linux
fileboy,文件变更监听通知工具,使用 Go 编写。Fileboy, File Change Monitoring Notification Tool, written with Go.
This repository contains a modified version of Snort. Here the user is able to decode and modify the Industrial control system protocols like DNP3, MODBUS, PMU, IEC104 and IEC61850.
Simple RESTful API in Golang to create, read, update and delete users.
This was a third year University project I completed in 2014. Written in C++ it sets up a deck of cards, shuffles and then deals the cards to the players. It then decides on who will make the openi…
Python script to generate or check md5 checksums recursively for files in a directory tree.
Anti-forensic monitor program: watches for signs of tampering and purges keys/shuts everything down.
Dockerfile builds Squid+c-icap SSL-Bump Proxy
nginx 启动带自签名密钥。域名,需要修改hosts