The source code for my resume. I've come to prefer typesetting in LaTex to word processors, especially when bouncing between ubuntu and mac workstations. I adaped the format and style from The bibliography with publications is my own.
Git is great for making edits to a resume. As a repo, the resume's evolution and history is preserved. Further, in github, I shouldn't have to worry too much about loosing or constantly backing up my resume.
pdflatex <name.tex>
If updating or re-biulding the bibliography with bibtex:
bibtex Regenerates *.bib file
latex Regenerates *.aux and dependencies for bibliography
Updating Ubuntu to 2022 Jammy broke latex with a tex-common error. Uninstalling and re-installing texlive-latex-full seems to have done the trick.
sudo dpkg --force-all --purge texlive-latex-base-doc sudo apt-get remove --purge tex-common texlive-* rm -rf /etc/texf/ sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get install tex-common sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-full (took a long time, completed okay)