TwigExtensionsBundle is just a collection of Twig extensions i find useful.
Provides an enhanced default
filter to decorate empty values with a placeholder which can even be HTML.
Usually, if you want to use HTML, e.g. the HTML entity "—", as value for the default filter in an HTML Twig template you have to do cumbersome
{{ somevalue | e | default('—') | raw }}
to make it render properly. With this extension you can write
{{ somevalue | craue_default }}
Provides a without
filter wrapping PHP's array_diff
Provides filters for locale-aware formatting of date, time, and date/time values.
Providing helpers for implementing a language change mechanism and handling localized routes.
git submodule add git:// vendor/Craue/TwigExtensionsBundle
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles() {
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Craue\TwigExtensionsBundle\CraueTwigExtensionsBundle(),
// ...
// app/autoload.php
// ...
'Craue' => __DIR__.'/../vendor',
// app/config/config.yml
craue_twig_extensions: ~
{{ someValueWhichMayBeEmpty | craue_default }}<br />
{{ someValueWhichMayBeEmpty | craue_default('no value') }}<br />
{{ someValueWhichMayBeEmpty | craue_default('–') }}<br />
{{ someValueWhichMayBeEmpty | craue_default(0) }}
{{ anArray | craue_without(aValueOrAnArray) | join(', ') }}<br/ >
{{ ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue'] | craue_without('yellow') | join(', ') }} will print "red, green, blue"<br/ >
{{ ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue'] | craue_without(['yellow', 'black', 'red']) | join(', ') }} will print "green, blue"
<h2>with current locale</h2>
date: {{ someDateTimeValue | craue_date }}<br />
time: {{ someDateTimeValue | craue_time }}<br />
both: {{ someDateTimeValue | craue_datetime }}
<h2>with specific locales</h2>
date: {{ someDateTimeValue | craue_date('de-DE') }}<br />
time: {{ someDateTimeValue | craue_time('de') }}<br />
both: {{ someDateTimeValue | craue_datetime('en-GB') }}
Rendering links for some kind of "change language" menu:
{% for locale in craue_availableLocales %}
{% if locale == app.session.locale %}
{{ craue_languageName(locale) }}
{% else %}
<a href="{{ path(app.request.attributes.get('_route'), app.request.attributes.all
| craue_cleanRouteParameters | merge({'_locale': locale})) }}"
>{{ craue_languageName(locale) }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Additionally, instead of
<a href="{{ path('route', {'_locale': app.session.locale}) }}">text</a>
you can use
<a href="{{ craue_localizedPath('route') }}">text</a>
to build links containing the current locale.
; app/config/parameters.ini
; app/config/parameters.ini
; app/config/parameters.ini
With XML for example you can also set the keys to be more specific about the locales:
<parameter key="craue_twig_extensions.changeLanguage.availableLocales" type="collection">
<parameter key="de_DE">de</parameter>
<parameter key="en">en</parameter>
<parameter key="ru">ru</parameter>
You can define an alias for the filter if you don't like to write
{{ somevalue | craue_default }}
all the time. Setting this to "d"
for example with
; app/config/parameters.ini
allows you to write
{{ somevalue | d }}
in your Twig Template. But pay attention to not accidentally override built-in filters, although you can do it
intentionally, e.g. by setting the alias to "default"
Similar to the DecorateEmptyValueExtension you can define an alias:
; app/config/parameters.ini
But, again, pay attention to not accidentally override built-in filters, although you can do it intentionally.
Again, you can define an alias for each filter:
; app/config/parameters.ini
Don't accidentally override built-in filters, although you can do it intentionally, e.g. by setting the
dateFilterAlias to "date"
Again, you can define aliases:
; app/config/parameters.ini
Don't accidentally override built-in filters/functions/globals, although you can do it intentionally, e.g. by setting the localizedPathAlias to "path"