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Installation instructions

  1. Install Docker
  2. Install Git
  3. You can directly install all dependencies by following the instructions given here. NOTE: If you are not comfortable with this, you can move on to the next step.
  4. The following commands will create a Docker image containing all the packages required during the course. It also launches a container called ppafenv from the image.
git clone
cd IHaskell
docker build -t ihaskell:latest
docker run -it --name ppafenv -p8888:8888 ihaskell:latest
  1. Open the URL for the Jupyter notebook given by the running container. For e.g.

The Jupyter Notebook is running at: http://596ccf34f298:8888/?token=839a234d6a5a666199027fb5f26aa58873d64045cbebf7ba or

  1. Open a terminal in the Jupyter and clone the p-paf-lectures repository.
git clone
  1. Open one of the notebooks and play around with it.
  2. Once closed the image can be restarted with the following command. Any new files created previously will be retained.
docker start -ai ppafenv