nodeRest ApI
Technologies: Node.js & S3 AWS
my node version: 18.16.0
my npm version: 8.18.0
Config .env file according your credentials
Using docker
git clone
# Building your image
docker build . -t node-rest
# Your image will now be listed by Docker
docker images
# Run the image
docker run -i -t -d node-rest
# Get container ID
$ docker ps
# Print app output
$ docker logs <container id>
# If you need to go inside the container you can use the exec command:
docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash
# Kill our running container
$ docker kill <container id>
<container id>
# curl request example
$ docker exec <container id> curl http://<HOST>:5000/api/health
Using local
git clone
npm install
npm start
Running Tests
npm run test
Go to http://localhost:5000/api
GET: /health
POST: /csv
POST: /create-entities
GET: /get-entities/:actionId
GET: /actionIds
The application using this following components:
- Worker Threads.
- Amazon S3 is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.
- Cache in-memory data structure store for higher performance.
- Tests - using Mocha and Chai.{git user name}/{repo name}