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OneOps CLI

The OneOps CLI is used to manage OneOps assemblies from the command line. It is implemented as a ruby gem which uses the OneOps Restful API. Follow the steps below to install the CLI and login. Enter your API token as username and set the password to 'X'. You can retrieve your API token from the account profile in the UI. The credentials are stored in ~/.netrc, global config in ~/.oneops and local config in .oneops in current working directory. For more about OneOps see


The version of Ruby recommended to run the OneOps CLI is RVM with latest ruby v1.9.3 installed from there.


gem build oneops.gemspec
gem install oneops

How To

# Set the OneOps site URL
$ oneops config set site=http://localhost:9090 -g

$ oneops auth login
Enter your OneOps credentials.
Username: <Auth token>
Password (typing will be hidden):

# Set your OneOps organization
$ oneops config set organization=<organization> -g
# Set the default format
$ oneops config set format=json -g


  oneops|oo [options] command [<args>] [command_options]

Available options:

    -d, --debug                      Output debug info
        --duration                   Show command time duration stat.
    -f, --format FORMAT              Output format: console, yaml, json, xml, pretty_json (default: console)
        --file FILE                  Read attributes from yaml file.
    -k, --insecure                   Skip SSL validation.
        --no-color                   Do not colorize output
    -o, --organization ORGANIZATION  OneOps organization
    -q, --quiet                      No output
    -s, --site SITE                  OneOps host site URL (default:
        --timeout TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS Specify http response timeout in seconds. Specify 0 to disable the timeout.

Available commands:

    version             Display OneOps CLI gem version.
    help [<command>]    Display this help or help for a particular command.

  Setup & Configuration
    config              Set or display global parameters (e.g. login, password, host, default assembly).

  OneOps Management Commands
    account             Account management.
    organization        Organization management.
    cloud               Cloud management.
    catalog             Catalog management.
    assembly            Assembly management.
    design              Assembly design management.
    transition          Assembly transition management.
    operations          Assmebly operations management.

For more information about commands try:
   oneops help <command>


  • See help for a 'config' command

    $ oneops help config

  • Set the default organization

    $ oneops config set organization=<organization> -g

  • Get list of assemblies in your org

    $ oneops assembly

  • Set the assembly name

    $ oneops config set assembly=<assembly> -g

  • Show all components of a platform

    $ oneops design component show --organization=<organization> --assembly=<assembly> --platform=<platform> --component=<component>

  • Create a design secure variable (relying on default organization and assembly set via 'config' command)

    $ oo design variable create SOME-VAR=whatever --secure

  • Update and lock (use '_' after the variable name) an environment secure variable (relying on default organization and assembly set via 'config' command)

    $ oo transition variable update -e ENVIRONMENT-NAME COOL-VAR_=whatever --secure

  • Update and lock (use '_' after the variable name) attribute 'size' of component in transition (relying on default organization and assembly set via 'config' command), use pretty json output.

    $ oo transition component update size_=M -f pretty_json -e SOME-ENV -p SOME-PLATFORM -c COMPUTE-COMPONENT


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