Mobile Cloud Robotics as a Service studio model project
OMCRI acronym : Open Mobile Cloud Robotics Interface.
First get a working OMCRI-Studio, in your working directory type:
git clone
cd cloudrobotics
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pbuild.products
These commands will build an Eclipse application with occiware extension. The product OCCI-Studio will be generated in the folder:
Launch the application corresponding to your architecture.
In Eclipse:
- click on the right up icon "Open perspective" and choose Modeling
- select File menu, then New and Project...
- browse to OCCI Studio, OCCI Extension Project
- click on Next
- Enter a Project name and select the Referenced extensions that you need by checking the box.
- Provide an OCCI extension name (for example myrobot) and an OCCI extension scheme (for example
- Click on finish to generate the project.
It will create the modeling scheme.