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Common is a play experience for communities.

Common begins with a single player, a node floating around on a website ( They exist in a vast nothingness. The first thing they notice is that their life-force is decreasing, they are slowly eroding into the nothingness.

There is an enemy, the “unmaker”; a force that deteriorates the life-force of players and the life-force of the connections between them.

The only way to fight against this erosion is by inviting people to join Common: building connections with new players. Players are sources of energy, and strong connections allow life-energy to regenerate and flow.

Getting Started

npm install firebase-tools
./node_modules/.bin/firebase login



./node_modules/.bin/firebase deploy --project common-d2ecf --only hosting

You may need the following to deploy the cloud functions:

  • functions/gmail.json containing a json object like { "email": "", "password": ""}
  • functions/serviceAccountKey.json which you need to get from firebase.
  • ensure the functions/node_modules has all the right dependencies, i.e. nodemailer

To deploy the cloud functions:

./node_modules/.bin/firebase deploy --project common-d2ecf --only functions



./node_modules/.bin/firebase serve --project common-d2ecf

This will allow you to access common at http://localhost:5000. You need to work this way so we can access firebase and allow it to vendor credentials.


We have some query parameters to control snapshotting and interacting with the log:

  • startLogFromBeginning=true: will skip snapshots and run the log from the beginning. This is useful if you we make changes to readLog and need to produce a clean snapshot.
  • snapshots=true: will take snapshots every minute in the background.

So, for example, to enable snapshots and run the log from the beginning, you'd visit: http://localhost:5000/index.html?startLogFromBeginning=true&snapshots=true or

Blowing away the authenticated user database

Make sure you've got firebase-admin installed:

npm install firebase-admin --save

Then run the script:

node deleteAuthUsers.js

Note that you will need the serviceAccount.json credentials, which you can download from the firebase admin and then cp them into node_modules.


Trust game for communities






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