Just some interesting projects and project ideas I would like to preserve.
- Genome_BrowsR_new_GTF.Rmd: RScript to visualize MeRIPseq peaks for individual genes from our data. It was an early attempt and still needs quite a bit of work to be a useful tool.
- breast_cancer_ML.Rmd: Exploring breast cancer dataset using machine learning
- get_commute_times.py: Python script to access the Google Maps API and get current commute times by car. It pings the API for predicted travel time at predefined time intervals. The origin and destination can be defined by the user. The script generates a csv file with a time stamp and the predicted travel time at for that time stamp. The filename will contain the start and endpoints of the commute and a timestamp, so every time the script runs, it generates a unique file to avoid overwriting past data. Downstream analysis to find optimal times for commuting was performed using R. The script keeps pinging the API while it is running to get real-time traffic information and thus Google's best prediction.