Online shop
Created an online store with a shopping cart which stores in local storage. All items are exported and imported by list from a JSON file. The product list can be filtered, with counters of items on filters.
Used: Webpack, TypeScript, Sass, external API, Local Storage, ESLint, Prettier.
Counties list
I used API Implement async loading and rendering list. Live search with a dependence on the chosen region. There is an auto-detection of the browser colour theme and changing.
Used: Webpack, TypeScript, Sass, external API, ESLint, Prettier.
Todo list
Created a To-do list, which stored in cookie storage with an expiration date.
Used: TypeScript, Sass, Html, cookies.
Whether App
Live Searchable weather widget. API Used: JavaScript, Sass, HTML.
Implemented the Validator class for validating strings. For example, the isEmail method takes a string as a parameter and checks whether an email is valid or not. If it is, it returns true, otherwise it returns false. In addition, the class will have the following method: the isDate method for checking the date, IsRequired. Pull the functional form from the 1st course and add the error output
Sort an array in different ways. Determine the fastest and the most optimal working way -
Bubble Sort Sort by choice Insertion Sort Quicksort Merge Sort
Restaurant menu page.
Create a restaurant menu page. Some of the content can be modified such as the restaurant type and the food list as in the example
Random color BTN
Use JS and CSS when you click on the button for the random change of the background color of the page as in the example