Symfony Demo Project with sign-in, sign-up, security, scss, web pack encore, user profile.
git clone [email protected]:ofeige/symfony-demo-vagrant.git
cd symfony-demo-vagrant
git clone [email protected]:ofeige/symfony-demo-ui.git ui
git clone [email protected]:ofeige/symfony-demo-api.git api
read the from vagrant project in this folder (or here and follow the instruction
after succesfull build of vagrant run:
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/api
composer install
cd /vagrant/ui
composer install
yarn install
yarn run encore production
now we have to setup the database! simply run composer
composer setup-clean-db
now you can call http://ui.demo.test you can login as admin with
user: [email protected] pass: test
or as user with user: [email protected] pass: test