- To imagine some gold is easy. That is the Way .
- To produce the gold we did imagine is not easy. That is the Condition, which ask logic.
- When we see in reality what we did imagine, we have the Expression of "Fantasy" in reality.
This is what Monkey call The Way of God. Is what we create, is what we do, is what we become.
- Fantasy(ॐ) + Logic(Spirit) = Application(Expression)
Which means:
1 + 1 = 1 OR 3
This repository is about Monkey King ( Sun Wukong ) website,
as a condition of someone who dreams about it.
Dreams can be described in sort of Sound, Image and Text.
Is everything Monkey do in this space.
Text is not the best, while can become better.
- If you wish to add more information to one single page ( of any of Monkey Albums tracks )
- Please considere to create a pull request with the content you wish to see in that page.
- Please, try to explain in a way that everyone can understand.
We can create literature, but this site aims to educate children too, so be kind. - Be sure you Agree with 'OdicforceSounds' Eternal License.
- Try to be original, while you should try to be only you ( that is your originality ).
- All the source is OpenSource ( Free to read and to modify (here at this site))
- Please modify page content as you like and share with me, so I can share with everyone else who visit the site.
- Your name as a author of any content is optional, while is always connected to a pull request in github repository, that is based on some user.
- Monkey focus in the quality of the content each pull request aims to share, not the user it self.
- Notes:
The Content that is in the suggestion to be changed ( or upgrade information about it ) needs to be in:
- pages/Data/Audio/ALBUM_NAME/tracks/TRACK_NUMBER/ ( English Only )
- pages/Data/Videos/TOPIC/SPECIFIC_VIDEO_TITLE ( Portuguese Only )
- Note: if you understand Portuguese, be SURE you read the main page making association of the VIDEOS, before anything else!!!
- Note that most of the Video content, is in Portuguese Language and most of them are sensible content ( +18 ) ( no PORN )
- Videos can only be accessed by Link, not by searching Youtube.
- All Comments are controlled. (if you don't wish to make them public, tell me in that comment)
Each Video can have a big text refer knowledge. (knowledge can be defined as something real or imaginary -> Comparative )
VIDEOS (PT): If you wish to add more, please setup a new page in pages/Data/Videos/VIDEO_TITLE point to the Video and description. (you can do better than me)
AUDIO (EN): If you wish to add more, please setup a new page in pages/Data/Audio/ALBUM/tracks/TRACK_NUMBER refering the Audio Track and description.
Example: pages/Data/Audio/Emotional_Signals/tracks/12_Hacking_Festival/index.html
- You know that are billions of websites sharing content about hacking..
- This is just one single page, that can become better! ( Your Freedom to share the best )
- Maybe can have several themes..
- Maybe can refer to better links..
- Maybe you will contribute.
Each page can use HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Some pages are reserved: ( You may not modify them )
- Shamanic Quest Dream -> Sun Wukong
- Shamanic Quest Dream -> Wood - Fire
- Path of Shields: -> 3 - You tell me
- Signals of Time -> Dragon & Monkey
- Signals of Time - Eternal License
- Tao Touch - Boom Cats
- Tao Touch - Mystic Portal
. Emails refer to users . GPS refer to actions . Make a realtime animation of each action around the world?
( I am not able to do that while I can imagine someone can )
- Monkey hopes to find as many contributions each singularity on Earth can share, while that is too much, maybe the best from each singularity is a good choice.
- Let me know and if you wish to tell me something:
- Please consider to comment one of my videos on Youtube ( for personal comments )
- Please understand that Monkey like to know, you like monkey artwork site, while monkey is searching for an advice, so if you don't mind, you may criticize what ever you see that can become better, giving me suggestions about it.
- ( in any artwork content ) and ( in any video content ), Monkey ask that your negative expression about anything Monkey did express, should use logic ( comparative content that is described in text that points to your opinion, saying that Monkey opinion is wrong )
- Monkey can become better, which means: Monkey can change the way, Monkey thinks. ( new perspectives are always welcome! )
About this website: This website can be accessed at https://odicforcesounds.github.io/Art