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Simple Bash Package Loader


If you want to test something or make sure it runs on multiple platforms, you need some kind of dependency management. The simplest thing is to wget/curl something. sbpl makes this a bit more convenient.


Just download from the repository.

chmod u+x

If you dont want to include sbpl in your repo, have a look at the example section for a downloader script.


Though sbpl was developed with as little dependencies as possible, they cant be avoided. sbpl requires

  • curl or wget
  • un* to extract archives (it falls back to archiver which is downloaded during runtime)
  • git to checkout repos

Install common dependencies

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y curl tar unzip git


sbpl requires you to have a file in the working direcotry. This file is used to manage your dependencies. You can generate it by calling

./ init

or create it yourself.

set -eu

sbpl_get 'archive' 'sbpl' 'master' '${name}/archive/${version}.zip' './${name}-${version}/bin/'
sbpl_get 'file'    'sbpl' 'master' '${name}/${version}/${name}.sh'
sbpl_get 'git'     'sbpl' 'master' '${name}.git' './bin/'

Note: / calls every time to check if it needs to download dependencies. It is assumed, that runs without side effects. Keep this in mind if you include custom commands in this file.


Packages are downloaded (extracted if needed). If bin_dir is defined a symbolic link is placed in vendor/bin/$sbpl_os/$sbpl_arch. Furthermore a symbolic link in vendor/bin/current is created. Add this folder to PATH to make dependencies available for your apps/script.

export PATH="$PWD/vendor/bin/current:$PATH"

Via the envvars command sbpl returns the path to the bin dir. You can use this to lock bins for a specific platform. Include it in PATH like this:

export PATH="$(./ envvars sbpl_path_bin):$PATH"

You find a full examples in the example section..


The packages are stored in vendor/$sbpl_os/$sbpl_arch/${name}-${version}. A link is created in vendor/current.

Note: If the archive contains a root folder ${name}-${version} the content of this folder is used.


If a dependency is downloaded, its source folder is checked for If present it is executed and sub-dependcies are downloaded. You can disable this behavior by export SBPL_NOSUBPKGS=true.


help - Prints usage information and a list of commands which may be used

init - Interactively create a file

update - Download all packages

upgrade - Upgrade to the latest version

clean - Delete all contents in vendor-dir

version - Prints the version of sbpl

envvars - Returns all variables used by sbpl. You may pass a variable name to filter the list

get - Download a package via shell. The syntax for this command is the same as sbpl_get

test - Runs tests

If called without further arguments / will download packages if needed.


To test your package call ./ test <dir> [<command>] this will scan the provided dir (defaults to current dir) for folder which names start with "test".

The <command> defauls to bats. If bats is not present, it will be downloaded.

API has access to certain variables and functions.

Note: does not override variables. You can export all variables before calling sbpl to override its default behavior.


sbpl_get - download and install a package

Usage: sbpl_get 'target'

  • sbpl_get file 'name' 'version' 'url'
  • sbpl_get archive 'name' 'version' 'url' 'bin_dir'
  • sbpl_get git 'name' 'branch/tag' 'url' 'bin_dir'

To define the bin-dir and the url, all the variables below can be used. Additionally the name ($name) and version ($version) are exposed to those arguments. Additional options can be added to influence the bevaior of find (which is internatlly used):

  • bin - bin path
  • {sbpl_os}-${sbpl_arch}/bin - path using variables
  • name/bin/*.exe - path using filter for *.exe
  • ./ - base dir
  • `` - empty (bin dir is not used, no links are crated)

Note: url and bin-dir are evaluated using eval. Use single quotes to access variables provided by sbpl.


sbpl_version - The version number of sbpl


$sbpl_os - Operating system (this may be overwritten by the caller) (android, darwin, dragonfly, freebsd, linux, netbsd, openbsd, plan9, solaris, windows or $sbpl_osTYPE if nothing from the list)

$_sbpl_os - Operating system (actual OS)

$sbpl_arch - Architecture (this may be overwritten by the caller) (arm64, arm, 368, amd64, ppc64le, ppc64, mips64le, mips64, mipsle, mips or $HOSTTYPE if nothing from the list)

$sbpl_arch - Architecture (actual ARCH)


$sbpl_dir_pkgs - Relative path vendor dir (vendor)

$sbpl_dir_bins - Relative path to bin dir ($sbpl_dir_pkgs/bin)

$sbpl_dir_tmps - Relative path to tmp dir ($sbpl_dir_pkgs/tmp)

$sbpl_dir_pkg - Relative path to platform vendor dir (vendor/$sbpl_os/$sbpl_arch)

$sbpl_dir_bin - Relative path to platform bin dir ($sbpl_dir_pkgs/bin/$sbpl_os/$sbpl_arch)

$sbpl_dir_tmp - Relative path to platform bin dir ($sbpl_dir_pkgs/tmp/$sbpl_os/$sbpl_arch)

$sbpl_path_pkg - Absolute path to platform vendor dir ($PWD/$sbpl_dir_pkg)

$sbpl_path_bin - Absolute path to platform bin dir ($PWD/$sbpl_dir_bin)

$sbpl_path_tmp - Absolute path to platform bin dir ($PWD/$sbpl_dir_tmp)


Boiler plate for your own setup. This setup includes sbpl (use sbpl upgrade to get a new version). - The script which starts your application and makes all packages available to it

Boiler plate for your own setup. This setup always fetches the latest sbpl from the repo. - The script which starts your application and makes all packages available to it

Sample setup for testing with bats.

foo - The executable to test - The test script

test_01\test.bats - A test written for the bats-test-framework
