This is a UI test plugin for October CMS.
Before installing this plugin, you will need to change your minimum stability to dev
with composer.
composer config minimum-stability dev
Run the following to install this plugin:
php artisan plugin:install October.Test --from=
If you already have this plugin installed and need to update the database schema, run this command:
php artisan plugin:refresh October.Test
To uninstall this plugin:
php artisan plugin:remove October.Test
The following sections are explored, tested and demonstrated along with a list of the features used:
A Person "Has One" Phone (One to one relationship)
- Relation Controller
- Record Finder
- Proxy Form fields
- Date pickers
- Context-based Form fields
A Post "Has Many" Comments (One to many relationship)
- Relation Controller
- Popup-based Form fields
- Rich Editor
- Dual Form Controller and List Controller
- HTML in comments
- Custom Delete workflow
- Repeater fields in comments popup
User "Belongs To Many" Roles (Many to many relationship)
- Relation Controller (Standard, Pivot data, Pivot model)
- Image Uploaders (Single, Multi, File, Image)
- Number field
- No click list column
- Custom File model
- Form field partial
- Tag List in relation mode
- City "Has Many" Locations
- City "Belongs To" Country
- Location "Belongs To" Country
- Location "Belongs To" City
A Country "Has Many" Posts "Through" a User (Has many through relationship)
- Checkbox list
- Default form field values
- Field dependency and filtering
- Repeater fields
- Tabs empty with no fields
- Sister Countries test for related repeaters
A City "Belongs To" a Country and "Has Many" Locations.
- Reviews "Morph To" Plugins and Themes as Product (Polymorphic relationships)
- Meta "Morph To" Plugins and Themes as Product (Polymorphic relationships)
- Plugins and Themes "Morph Many" Reviews
- Plugins and Themes "Morph One" Meta
- Plugins should not create when Meta validation fails.
- A Member uses a simple tree (parent-child) structure.
- A Category uses a simple tree structure, with sorting.
- A Channel uses a nested set tree structure.
- Galleries are "Morphed By Many" Posts
- Posts "Morph To Many" Galleries
- Page "Belongs To" Layout
- Product
Uncategorized tests
An Attribute is a single generic model with many relationship types.
- Posts "Belong To" (Attribute) Status (
). - Countries "Belong To Many" (Attribute) Types (
- Relational Repeater tests