Amazon Web Services @aws
- Alexandria, VA
- https://markstenglein.com
- https://orcid.org/0009-0007-3121-6786
Codes and datasets associated with FingerSnap manuscript, Acharya et al.
GameCube controller analyzer for Saleae's Logic software
Firefox extension to route AWS SSO logins into unique containers.
A fully open source & end-to-end encrypted note taking alternative to Evernote.
An EXIF-based photo assistant, organizer and workflow automation tool.
mango is a man-page generator for the Go flag, pflag, cobra, coral, and kong packages
A command-line arguments parser that will make you smile.
This solution provides a serverless single page web application and set of supporting Amazon API Gateway end points and AWS Lambda functions which allow users to upload videos into S3 and compute a…
A cross-platform Go library to get configuration and cache directories.
Cross platform rapid GUI framework for golang based on Dear ImGui.
A flexible event/agent & automation system with lots of bees 🐝
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with Jenkins
A Central Control Plane for AWS Permissions and Access
Library for manipulating Morse code text and sound. Understands prosigns and Farnsworth speed. Can create WAV files and analyse input from the microphone or audio files.
arrdem / giternity
Forked from rahiel/giternityMirror git repositories and retrieve metadata for cgit
Analyze documents with Amazon Textract and generate output in multiple formats.
💉 Stuff which works in Chrome and maybe Acrobat and Foxit.
Arduino firmware for a Magnetic Loop Antenna tuner control box
Take control over your live stream video by running it yourself. Streaming + chat out of the box.
Libre Barcode: barcode fonts for various barcode standards.
Provides a read-only mirror for your GitHub issues
Very simple Python script to display artist name and track title on i3blocks
A template for a Nintendo Entertainment System project, using the ca65 assembler, targeting a UNROM (CHR-RAM + PRG bankswitching) board. Includes toolchain, and has build infrastructure for Windows…
Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.