House http service using Jsoniter, ScalikeJdbc, Scaffeine, HikariCP, Tapir, Ox, Postgresql and Scala 3.
I initially failed to derive endpoint schemas for Command and Event due to auto/semi-auto derivation and inline errors. Consequently, the initial Endpoint handles in/out, text/plain values via just-in-time json conversions. Think, old school.
The Sttp-Tapir project successfully implements a Tapir Json endpoint. It's a very simple endpoint, though. No derived schema issues.
The House model is more complex. And the Tapir derive schema feature trips up on Type enums. I suspect if I derive all enum types, it might work. Even so, it's too much work for too little reward.
I'd like to opt out of schemas all together. I don't need them in all cases. I just need fundamental entity<->json binding.
Finally, I succeeded in deriving schemas for all required classes and enums. See Schemas and Endpoint.
To work around inline errors, I had to edited scalacOptions as follows:
scalacOptions ++= Seq(
The key lines are
I opened this Ox Github issue ( softwaremill/ox#199 ) to get clarity on my usage of Ox.
Given Ox's edge over Gears ( ), I'm betting Ox will continue moving forward. Consequently, I've implemented Ox in 6 projects.
- Enhance model.
- brew install postgresql@14
- sbt clean compile
- sbt clean test
- sbt run
- House 1 --> 1 Account
- House 1 --> * Meta | Structure | Integral | External
- Entity * --> 1 Type
Account, House, Drawing, Issue
Foundation, Frame, Attic, Insulation, Ductwork, Ventilation, Roof, Chimney, Balcony, Drywall, Room, Driveway, Garage
Siding, Gutter, Soffit, Window, Door, Plumbing, Electrical, Fusebox, Alarm, Heater, AirConditioner, Floor, Lighting
Sewage, Well, Water, WaterHeater, Lawn, Garden, Sprinkler, Shed, SolarPanel, Porch, Patio, Pool, Dock, Gazebo, Mailbox
- config:
- on osx intel: /usr/local/var/postgres/postgresql.config : listen_addresses = ‘localhost’, port = 5432
- on osx m1: /opt/homebrew/var/postgres/postgresql.config : listen_addresses = ‘localhost’, port = 5432
- run:
- brew services start postgresql@14
- logs:
- on osx intel: /usr/local/var/log/postgres.log
- on m1: /opt/homebrew/var/log/postgres.log
Example database url: postgresql://localhost:5432/house?user=mycomputername&password=house"
- psql postgres
- CREATE DATABASE house OWNER [your computer name];
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE house TO [your computer name];
- \l
- \q
- psql house
- \i ddl.sql
- \q
Alternatively run: psql -d house -f ddl.sql
- psql house
- \i ddl.sql
- \q
- psql postgres
- drop database house;
- \q
The following environment variables must be defined:
export HOUSE_HOST=""
export HOUSE_PORT=7070
export HOUSE_ENDPOINT="/command"
export HOUSE_PATH="command"
export HOUSE_POSTGRESQL_DRIVER="org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource"
export HOUSE_POSTGRESQL_URL="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/house"
export HOUSE_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD="your.password"
export HOUSE_EMAIL_ADDRESS="[email protected]"
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