This is the repository where the code for our website lives.
- Harp
- Jade
- Markdown: by Daring Fireball
- Sass
The source code is all in the /_harp/
folder. These are the files that can be
edited: anything in the root directory is compiled by harp and changes here will
get overwritten on each compile.
You'll need harp installed (v.0.17.0) on your machine/development environment. Harp requires node, so probably should grab Node Version Manager before.
Clone this repository onto your machine:
git clone
From the top level of the www directory, run:
harp server _harp
The site will now be running locally, and you can see it in your browser at
The branch gh-pages
is PRODUCTION; do not develop and do risky things there.
Things pushed to the html/css/whatever else files in the root directory on this
branch are LIVE. LIVE I SAY.
Please write useful commit messages. Commit messages should briefly summarize behavior changes for specified areas. For example, "Updated typography for Schedule Page" is far better than "update css/style.scss"
Many people commit Super Freaking Often while they develop. If you do that, know that it saves your reviewer a lot of time if your commits are reorganized (squashed) before you open your PR. Commits should reflect "full thoughts" and "progress chunks" in the codebase. So if you did lots of back-and-forth changes while you were making your design decisions, squash that. More information.
Then open a PR when you think your work is ready. Get someone to look over your PR before you merge, especially if it's a big change.
Spaces, not tabs. Each "tab" is 2 spaces. And try to keep to 80char lines.