Easily launch Galaxy, CloudMan, and CloudBioLinux platforms without any configuration. You can use this app directly on biocloudcentral.org or run it locally - either way, it takes about 2 minutes to go from nothing to a configured cluster-in-the-cloud and a scalable analysis platform on top of cloud resources.
This Django application can be run locally, on a dedicated server or deployed on Heroku. To run locally or on a dedicated server, start by installing Python and virtualenv. Then, build a virtualenv and install the dependencies:
$ mkdir cl; cd cl
$ virtualenv .
$ source bin/activate
$ git clone https://github.com/galaxyproject/cloudlaunch.git
$ cd cloudlaunch
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, you need to make a database available. For local development and deployment,
SQLite will suffice. To use it, simply copy file
to biocloudcentral/settings_local.py
and proceed with the database migrations step below:
$ cp biocloudcentral/settings_local.py.sample biocloudcentral/settings_local.py
$ mkdir biocloudcentral/db
Finally, apply the database migrations, and, optionally, preload your database with the details about AWS instances. When prompted, there is no requirement to create a super-user account when asked. However, it may be desirable to be able to log into the Admin side of the app:
$ python biocloudcentral/manage.py syncdb
$ python biocloudcentral/manage.py migrate biocloudcentral
$ python biocloudcentral/manage.py migrate djcelery
$ python biocloudcentral/manage.py migrate kombu.transport.django
$ python biocloudcentral/manage.py loaddata biocloudcentral/aws_db_data.json
Simply run:
$ honcho -f ProcfileHoncho start
The application will be available on port 5000 (
Alternatively, you start the web server and the Celery workers in two separate tabs (or screen sessions):
$ python biocloudcentral/manage.py runserver
$ python biocloudcentral/manage.py celeryd --concurrency 2 --loglevel=info
In this case, the application will be available on localhost on port
8000 (
An instance of this app available at biocloudcentral.org is hosted on Heroku. You can do the same by registering and deploying the app under your own account. To get started, add heroku as a remote repository:
$ git remote add heroku [email protected]:biocloudcentral.git
Then, automatically push to Heroku for live deployment:
$ git push heroku master
If the database needs migration, run:
$ heroku run python biocloudcentral/manage.py migrate
Launch a Ubuntu 14.04 instance or a VM
Install necessary system packages:
$ sudo apt-get -y install python-virtualenv git postgresql libpq-dev postgresql-server-dev-all python-dev nginx
Clone Cloud Launch into a local directory (e.g.,
) as system userlaunch
and install the required libraries:$ sudo mkdir -p /srv/cloudlaunch $ sudo chown launch:launch /srv/cloudlaunch $ cd /srv/cloudlaunch $ virtualenv .cl $ source .cl/bin/activate $ git clone https://github.com/galaxyproject/cloudlaunch.git $ cd cloudlaunch $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure a PostgreSQL server with a database. Note that the following commands use launch as the database owner. If you prefer to use a different user, change it in both commands:
$ sudo su postgres -c "psql --port 5432 -c \"CREATE ROLE launch LOGIN CREATEDB PASSWORD 'password_to_change'\"" $ sudo su launch -c "createdb --username launch --port 5432 cloudlaunch"
Update settings in
to match your server settings:-
Edit the database settings to point to the installed Postgres DB. These must match the username, port, and password from the previous two commands. Delete or comment out any other
fields in the file.DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': 'cloudlaunch', 'USER': 'launch', 'PASSWORD': 'password_to_change', 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': '5432', } }
Set admin users
(and create that dir, aslaunch
user) -
Apply database migrations as per above section
Collect all static files into a single directory by running:
$ cd /cl/cloudlaunch/cloudlaunch $ python biocloudcentral/manage.py collectstatic # (type ``yes`` when prompted about rewriting existing files)
Create an empty log file that can be edited by the
user$ sudo touch /var/log/cl_server.log $ sudo chown launch:launch /var/log/cl_server.log
Copy Upstart files (
) to/etc/init
$ sudo cp cl.conf cl_celery.conf /etc/init/.
Configure nginx:
If it exists, delete
site from/etc/nginx/sites-enabled
(or update it as necessary)$ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
Copy the nginx config file from the Cloud Launch repo
$ sudo cp cl_nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/
Create the following symlink
$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/cl_nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/cl
Optionally update the number of worker threads in
Test the nginx configuration with
sudo nginx -t
sudo service nginx start
or reload nginx:sudo nginx -s reload
Start the app services via Upstart:
$ sudo service cl start $ sudo service cl_celery start
The app is now available at
. The Admin part of the app is available athttps://server.ip.address/admin/
The code is freely available under the MIT license.