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Constantfold - User-defined constant folding facility

This is a supporting library for NUMCL. It provides a single macro, (constantfold name &key commutative associative copier).

constantfold registers the function NAME as an additional form that is considered as a candidate for a constant. For example,

(defstruct point2d
  (x 0 :type 'real)
  (y 0 :type 'real))

(defun point2d-add/2 (p1 p2)
  (ematch* (p1 p2)
    (((point2d :x x1 :y y1)
      (point2d :x x2 :y y2))
     (make-point2d :x (+ x1 x2) :y (+ y1 y2)))))

(defun point2d-add (&rest args)
  (reduce #'point2d-add/2 args))

(constantfold make-point2d :copier copy-point2d)
(constantfold point2d-add  :copier copy-point2d :commutative t :associative t)

This allows the compiler to constant fold

(defun fn1 () (point2d-add (make-point2d :x 1 :y 2) (make-point2d :x 3 :y 4)))


(defun fn1 () (point2d-add #S(point2d :x 1 :y 2) #S(point2d :x 3 :y 4)))


(defun fn1 () (copy-point2d #S(point2d :x 4 :y 6))).

When :associative and/or :commutative is true, it performs the corresponding code morphing and tries to fold constants as much as possible. For example,

(defun fn2 (p1 p2 x y)
  (point2d-add (make-point2d :x 1 :y 2)
               (make-point2d :x 3 :y 4)
               (make-point2d :x x :y y)))

gets compiled into

(defun fn2 (p1 p2 x y)
  (point2d-add (copy-point2d #S(point2d :x 4 :y 6))
               (make-point2d :x x :y y)))

due to commutativity.

This library preserves the original semantics of the code. For example,

(defun fn3 ()
  (make-point2d :x 1 :y 2))

originally always instantiates a new object. This is compiled into

(defun fn3 ()
  (copy-point2d #S(point2d :x 1 :y 2)))

which also instantiates a new object. The reason why fn1/fn2 are allowed to remove some instance creations while fn3 does not perform the pruning is that the result of make-point2d in fn1/fn2 are so-called rvalues which are not visible to the user while the result of (make-point2d :x 1 :y 2) is going to be returned to the user and is thus an lvalue.

It might then be confusing why fn2 does not completely remove the instantiation. This is because point2d-add may perform a destructive operation on the argument, and thus the value (e.g. slots) of the constant could be modified. copy-point2d is called in order to avoid the effect of this destructive operation.

COPIER could be ommited when the object is known to be immutable and there is no need for copying the object. In this case the compilation result always returns the same object under EQ.

Note that if the result of the constant folding is an object of class CL:STANDARD-OBJECT / CL:STRUCTURE-OBJECT / CL:CONDITION / CL:CLASS, the corresponding CL:MAKE-LOAD-FORM method should be defined.


This library is at least tested on implementation listed below:

  • SBCL 1.4.12 on X86-64 Linux 4.4.0-141-generic (author’s environment)
  • SBCL 1.5.1 on X86-64 Linux 4.4.0-141-generic (author’s environment)

Also, it depends on the following libraries:

  • trivia by Masataro Asai : NON-optimized pattern matcher compatible with OPTIMA, with extensible optimizer interface and clean codebase
  • alexandria by Nikodemus Siivola <[email protected]>, and others. : Alexandria is a collection of portable public domain utilities.
  • iterate by ** : Jonathan Amsterdam’s iterator/gatherer/accumulator facility
  • lisp-namespace by Masataro Asai : Provides LISP-N — extensible namespaces in Common Lisp.


Author, License, Copyright

Masataro Asai ([email protected])

Licensed under LGPL v3.

Copyright (c) 2019 IBM Corporation


User-defined constant folding facility







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