Validation for an Icelandic kennitala (social security number)
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var test = new Kennitala(2202863399);
//Kennitalajs accepts all types of possible kt formats
var type1 = 2202863399; //Integer
var type2 = '2202863399' //String
var type3 = '220286-3399' //String with the widely used hyphen
// I do however reccommend storing the kennitala in a string format since integers cant start with a zero
var kennitala = new Kennitala(2202863399);
//kennitala returns:
valid: true, //<----------- Tells us if the kennitala is valid
type: 'person', //<-------- Tells us if kennitala belongs to a person or a company
age: 22, //<--------------- The person/company age in years
msAge: 694383374545, //<--- Time in milliseconds since birth/company was founded
birthdayToday: true, //<--- Tells us if the person/company has a birthday today
kt: 2202863399 //<--------- The kennitala as a integer
var kennitala = new Kennitala('521110-0660');
//kennitala returns:
valid: true,
type: 'company',
age: 5,
msAge: 174515150922,
birthdayToday: true,
kt: 5211100660
We can recieve 5 possible reasons for when the kennitala is not valid:
var kennitala = new Kennitala(22028633);
//kennitala returns:
valid: false,
reason: 'Kennitala is too short',
errorCode: 1
var kennitala = new Kennitala(3202863399);
kennitala returns:
valid: false,
reason: 'Birthdate is out of range (digits 1 and 2)',
errorCode: 2
var kennitala = new Kennitala(2222863399);
//kennitala returns:
valid: false,
reason: 'Month digits are out of range (digits 3 and 4)',
errorCode: 3
xxxxXXXxxx Digits 5,6,7 and 8 can be anything so we cant validate them
var kennitala = new Kennitala(2202863349);
//kennitala returns:
valid: false,
reason: 'Digit 9 is not valid. Read about "Níundi stafurinn" here:',
errorCode: 4
var kennitala = new Kennitala(2202863393);
//kennitala returns:
valid: false,
reason: 'Century digit out of range (digit 10)',
errorCode: 5