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Aliases for nodenv Node versions

Invoke nodenv alias <name> <version> to make a symbolic link from <name> to <version> in the nodenv versions directory, effectively creating an alias. The cool part is that if you pass in a major or major.minor release as the name, you can give --auto to link to the latest installed minor or patch level (respectively). For example, nodenv alias 4.4 --auto will automatically create an alias from 4.4 to 4.4.7 (or to whatever is the most recent version you have installed). Similarly, nodenv alias 6 --auto will automatically create an alias from 6 to 6.10.3 (or to whatever is the most recent version you have installed).

Plus, if you're using node-build, nodenv install major.minor.patch automatically invokes nodenv alias major --auto and nodenv alias major.minor --auto, so you'll always have up to date aliases.


git clone $(nodenv root)/plugins/nodenv-aliases


Create a major and major.minor alias for each installed major and minor release:

nodenv alias --auto

Create a major alias for the highest major release of, say 6:

nodenv alias 6 --auto

Create a major.minor alias for the highest minor release of, say 0.8:

nodenv alias 0.8 --auto

Create a major.minor.patch-pre alias for the highest prerelease of, say 8:

nodenv alias 8.0.0-rc --auto

Create a named alias for a specific release:

nodenv alias boron 6

Remove an alias:

nodenv unalias <alias-name>


nodenv alias <alias-name> --remove


Forked from Tim Pope's rbenv-aliases by Jason Karns and modified for nodenv.