A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label.
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In JavaScript, Number type is double-precision 64-bit binary format IEEE 754 value. This package includes common number functions related to querying about numbers, comparing numbers, rounding numbers, performing rounded division, performing modulo operations, controlling range of numbers, performing arithmetic operations, obtaining divisors of a number (and related operations), getting the number of possible arrangements of a set of objects, performing geometry-related calculations, performing basic statistical analysis, and finding various statistical means.
This package is available in Node.js and Web formats. To use it on the web,
simply use the extra_number
global variable after loading with a <script>
tag from the jsDelivr CDN.
Stability: Experimental.
const xnumber = require('extra-number');
// import * as xnumber from "extra-number";
// import * as xnumber from "https://unpkg.com/extra-number/index.mjs"; (deno)
// β true
// β [1, 2, 3]
xnumber.round(9.1357, 0.05);
// β 9.15
// β 2
// xnumber.fromRoman('DCXLIX');
// β 649
// xnumber.toScientific(695700000);
// β '6.957Γ10βΈ' (radius of Sun in m)
Property | Description |
is | Check if value is a number. |
significantDigits | Count the number of significant digits in a number. |
compare | Compare two numbers. |
floor | Round down a number to specific precision. |
ceil | Round up a number to specific precision. |
round | Round a number to specific precision. |
floorDiv | Perform floor-divison of two numbers. |
ceilDiv | Perform ceiling-divison of two numbers. |
roundDiv | Perform rounded-divison of two numbers. |
rem | Find the remainder of x/y with sign of x (truncated division). |
mod | Find the remainder of x/y with sign of y (floored division). |
modp | Find the remainder of x/y with +ve sign (euclidean division). |
constrain | Constrain a number within a minimum and a maximum value. |
normalize | Normalize a number from its current range into a value between 0 and 1. |
remap | Re-map a number from one range to another. |
lerp | Linearly interpolate a number between two numbers. |
isPow | Check if a number is a power-of-n. |
prevPow | Find largest power-of-n less than or equal to given number. |
nextPow | Find smallest power-of-n greater than or equal to given number. |
root | Find the nth root of a number (βΏβ). |
log | Find the logarithm of a number with a given base. |
properDivisors | List all divisors of a number, except itself. |
aliquotSum | Sum all proper divisors of a number. |
minPrimeFactor | Find the least prime number which divides a number. |
maxPrimeFactor | Find the greatest prime number which divides a number. |
primeFactors | Find the prime factors of a number. |
primeExponentials | Find the prime factors and respective exponents of a number. |
isPrime | Check if number is prime. |
gcd | Find the greatest common divisor of numbers. |
lcm | Find the least common multiple of numbers. |
factorial | Find the factorial of a number. |
binomial | Find the number of ways to choose k elements from a set of n elements. |
multinomial | Find the number of ways to put n objects in m bins (n=sum(kα΅’)). |
degrees | Convert radians to degrees. |
radians | Convert degrees to radians. |
sum | Find the sum of numbers (Ξ£). |
product | Find the product of numbers (β). |
median | Find the value separating the higher and lower halves of numbers. |
modes | Find the values that appear most often. |
range | Find the smallest and largest values. |
variance | Find the mean of squared deviation of numbers from its mean. |
arithmeticMean | Find the average of numbers. |
geometricMean | Find the geometric mean of numbers. |
harmonicMean | Find the harmonic mean of numbers. |
quadriaticMean | Find the quadriatic mean of numbers. |
cubicMean | Find the cubic mean of numbers. |
- Javascript reference: MDN Web docs
- Processing reference
- Fastest way to compute the greatest common divisor
- Calculating median - javascript
- What is the fastest way to count the number of significant digits of a number?
- alawatthe/MathLib
- float package by Michael Storgaard