Live Link -
A social media website where you can connect with your friends!
1. git clone
2. cd sociohaven
3. npm install
4. npm start
- Posts of users you follow
- User suggestions
- Follow users
- Like/Unlike a post
- Add/Remove bookmark a post
- Create/Edit posts
- Delete your own posts
- Share post link
- Sort posts based on latest/trending
- All posts from latest to oldest
- User bookmarked posts list
- Remove from bookmarks
- Like
- Edit your own profile
- Can choose from avatar options
- Edit background cover photo
- Follow/unfollow users
- Logout
- List of all posts posted by the user
- Authentication
- Login
- Signup
- Search users
- Toasts
- Responsive
- React JS
- React Context API + useReducer
- React Router v6
- Tailwind CSS
- Material UI icons
- React Hot Toast
- mockBee -