- Instal golang 1.8
- Then run the following command to download and build the binary for your system
go get github.com/nicored/gotickyourself/gty/...
- Go find the binary and use it.
# Configure
$ gty init
(Not implemented) $ gty settings # show all settings
(Not implemented) $ gty settings --reset # resets everything, think twice
# Update roles, projects and tasks list
$ gty update
# Projects settings
$ gty projects # List all projects except hidden ones
$ gty projects -f "McDonalds" # Filter projects by name
$ gty projects -c "Origin" # Filter projects by client name
$ gty projects -f "McDonalds" -c "Origin" # Filter projects by name and client name
# Tasks
$ gty tasks # List all tasks
$ gty tasks -f development # Filter tasks by name
$ gty tasks -c "my client" -p "my project" -f "my task" # Filter by client project and task
$ gty tasks default 1234 default # Default task to ID 1234
# Task Alias
$ gty tasks alias # List all tasks with an alias
$ gty tasks alias add dev 12345 # Create "dev" alias for task 12345
$ gty tasks alias rm 12345 # Remove alias for task 12345
$ gty tasks alias rm -f # Remove alias for all tasks
# Log new entries
$ gty log # Automatically log to default task for the remaining hours of the day
$ gty log -n "I did this today" # Same as log, but with notes
$ gty log dev # Automatically logs to 'dev' task for the ramaining hours of the day
$ gty log 2.0 # Logs to default task for today
$ gty log 2.0 dev # Logs to task associated with alias "dev"
$ gty log 2.0 -n "Today I did this" # Logs to default task with notes
$ gty log 2.0 dev -n "Today I developed an app" # Logs to task associated with alias dev, with notes
$ gty log 3.0 -d yesterday # Log entry for yesterday
$ gty log 3.0 -d 2017-08-03 -n "I did something" # Log entry for the
# Automatically log for a period of time
(Not implemented) $ gty log 3 days # Log for the last 3 working days (default task)
(Not implemented) $ gty log week # Log for the beginning of the week until today (inc) (default task)
(Not implemented) $ gty log fortnight # Log for 2 weeks (2w prior to the current/previous Monday) (default task)
(Not implemented) $ gty log 3 weeks # Log for 3 weeks (3w prior to the current/previous Monday) (default task)
(Not implemented) $ gty log dev week # Log for the week to task associated with alias "dev"
# Automatically round up time
# If you're a bit short in hours, the round command
# will round hours in your logs to meet the objective (number of hours per week)
(Not implemented) $ gty round week
(Not implemented) $ gty round today
# Total hours
$ gty sum # for today
$ gty sum today # for today
$ gty sum week # for the entire week from Monday
$ gty sum month # for the entire month
$ gty sum fortnight # for the 2 previous weeks before the previous monday
$ gty sum 3 weeks # for the 3 previous weeks before the previous monday
$ gty sum 3 days # for the last 3 days
# List entries
$ gty ls # List today's entries
$ gty ls week # List week's entries
First you must initialise
$ gty init
> Username: [email protected]
> Password: yourPassword
Then, you can select a default task. The default task is useful when you do not want to specify a task to log your time against.
Let's find a task! The following will list all tasks matching your filter. Each task will have an ID next to it.
$ gty tasks -c "My company" -p "Team 1" -f "development" # I filter my tasks by client, project and task name
Once you've got the ID, let's say 1234, you can set the task as default by running the following:
$ gty tasks default 1234
You can also add aliases to your tasks. For instance, HR in my company added the following tasks:
$ gty tasks -f leave
Administration & Overheads:
333456 - Annual Leave
333457 - Sick Leave
And I want to add aliases for both Annual and sick leaves:
$ gty tasks add alias holidays 333456
$ gty tasks add alias sick 333457
And from now on, whenever I am sick, I can run log sick and it will create a new log entry to the sick leave task:
$ gty log sick
I would also recommend to check the ~/.gty/settings.yml file to set the number of hours per week. The default is 40, and there are 2 non-working days, so it will log 8 hours for the day.
Something cool too, say you've logged 3 hours already during the day, and you've got to rush outside the office, you can run 'log' by itself or followed by an alias and it will log 5 hours to the default or aliased task.
- Write tests
- gty settings # show all settings
- gty settings --reset # resets everything, think twice
- Automatically log time for a given period
- Round up times