This project has been deprecated and is no longer supported, nor compatible with the latest releases of Unity.
A Grid library for the Unity game engine.
Supports Square and Hex grids for games of all genres.
Source: GitHub
E-Mail: [email protected]
- Source under MIT license.
- I would very much appreciate to know if Griddy or Examples are used in released titles.
- MonoSingleton.cs from Berenger
- SilkScreen Font from Jason Kottke
- GUI influenced by AngryAnt
- Line, Arc/Cone/Triangle, Perimeter Range Selection.
- Revisiting Format and Griddy core methods.
- Demonstration using 3×3 Square Grid
- Full Game & MVC Implementation
- Implementation of a basic MVC pattern.
- This version is comprised of completely different assets from previous versions.
- Original 2010 release, now stored in the Archive branch. Compatibility with Unity 3.x is unknown.
- This version will not be supported by future versions.