node.js >=4.0.0 must be used for this library to work!
$ npm install nodesu
# or install from GitHub
$ npm install nicholastay/nodesu
note!: nodesu has been rewritten from the ground up since v0.6.0. All sections of programs which utilize this library probably have to be rewritten if migrating from previous versions!
const Nodesu = require('nodesu');
const api = new Nodesu.Client('_api-key-here_');
// ... see docs/Modules:Components - typical usage = api.<component>.<function>();
// most functions return Promise objects.
// eg: get beatmap data
.then(console.log); // outputs to stdout.
- Main repository:
- Documentation:
Most of what you want to find should be under the "Client" class, or the Modules section (categorized classes).
Contributions are much welcome via issues or pull requests.
Zlib/libpng license. Full text in the root of this repository.