Filters, trims, and denoises NGS short reads using dada2. Additional features:
- optionally removes adapters with cutadapt
- filters reads with barcodecop
- generates quality plots for forward and reverse reads
- provides a table of sequence yields at each step of the pipeline
- removes non-16S rRNA gene sequences uses cmsearch and an Rfam alignment model
- compatibility with S3 objects as input and AWS Batch
Example configuration:
% cat params-minimal.json
"sample_information": "test/sample-information-minimal.csv",
"fastq_list": "test/fastq-list-minimal.txt",
"output": "output-minimal",
"index_file_type": "dual",
"dada_params": "data/dada_params_300.json",
"bidirectional": false,
"alignment": {
"library": "",
"model": "data/",
"strategy": "cmsearch"
See contents of the test/
directory for examples of input files.
The version of dada2 used in this project (which has no relation to the version tag for this repository) can be determined with this command:
% docker run --rm -it R -q -e 'packageVersion("dada2")'
> packageVersion("dada2")
[1] ‘1.18.0’
Install the nextflow binary in this directory
wget -qO- | bash
Execute locally with the default Docker image using the minimal data set.
./nextflow run -params-file params-minimal.json
Local execution using the Singularity image defined in nextflow.config
./nextflow run -params-file params-minimal.json -profile singularity
An alternative Docker or Singularity image (eg, a version other than
or one that is local) may be specified in -params-file
by adding a "container" element, or as an argument to the command line
argument --container
Profiles that run locally (see nextflow.config
) use a default
workDir named "work"; another name can be specified using the command
line argument --work_dir
Details will depend on your AWS batch configuration. General instructions TBD.
Coveriance model used for Infernal sequence filtering obtained from the Rfam database:
To cite Rfam see latest web site instructions:
A Docker image is hosted in the GitHub container registry:
Singularity can transparently ingest the Docker image and create a locally-cached image.