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Generate package.json#exports from src


Install @ngrok/gen-x to your devDependencies with your preferred package manager:

package manager command
npm npm install -DE @ngrok/gen-x
yarn yarn add -DE @ngrok/gen-x
pnpm pnpm add -DE @ngrok/gen-x
bun bun add -DE @ngrok/gen-x


Prerequisites required:

We use direnv to assist you with setting up all of the required tooling.

Prefer to install and manage the tooling yourself?
  1. Install nvm or your node version manager of choice.
  2. Ensure that node 20 is installed. With nvm, run nvm install.
  3. Enable pnpm with corepack: corepack enable pnpm
  4. Install pnpm with corepack: corepack install
  5. Install project dependencies with pnpm: pnpm install

First, install direnv:

OS command
macOS brew install direnv
ubuntu sudo apt install direnv

For all other OSes, see the direnv installation guide.

Don't forget to set up direnv integration with your shell.

Next, clone the repo and move into the directory:

git clone
cd gen-x

Next, run:

direnv allow

This will install nvm (if not already installed) as well as set the correct node and pnpm versions for you. It will also run pnpm install at the end to install all node_modules.