A portable clone of Wordle designed for the Nokia N-Gage.
Multiple language settings such as English, Russian (СЛОВО), German (WÖRDL) and Finnish (SANIS).
Play the NYT's Daily Word!
Enjoy a stress-free game with as many tries as you want in endless mode.
Tailored for the N-Gage, but highly portable as the entire game is written in C89 and only depends on SDL 2.0.x.
A web version of the game can be found on my website: N-Gage Wordle.
An Android version is available on Google Play:
First clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ngagesdk/wordle.git
The easiest way to get Wordle up and running is Visual Studio 2022 with
C++ CMake tools for
installed. If you have installed and set up the N-Gage
SDK. in advance, simply
open the cloned repository via File -> Open -> Folder
. Everything
else is set up automatically.
Wordle can also be compiled for other platforms such as Linux, Windows or any other platform supported by SDL2. For Windows, I recommend using MSYS2.
Wordle can be compiled with the included CMake configuration. E.g:
mkdir build
cd build
cp ../res/data.pfs .
Special thanks to Josh Wardle for developing this brilliant game in the first place.
Packed file loader by Daniel Monteiro.
stb by Sean Barrett is licensed under "The MIT License". See the file LICENSE for details.
The application menu icon has been designed by geekahedron from the Wordleverse Discord community.
The Android App icon and Feature graphic by Dan Whelan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.
The finnish word list is based on the "nykysuomen sanalista" by Kotus, licensed under a CC BY 3.0 license.
ASCII Bitmap Font "cellphone" by domsson.
This project's source code is, unless stated otherwise, licensed under the "The MIT License". See the file LICENSE.md for details.