HOI-Diff: Text-Driven Synthesis of 3D Human-Object Interactions using Diffusion Models
Xiaogang Peng*
Yiming Xie*
Zizhao Wu
Varun Jampani
Deqing Sun
Huaizu Jiang
Northeastern University Hangzhou Dianzi University
Stability AI Google Research
arXiv 2023
- Release the dataset preparation and annotations.
- Release the main codes for implementation.
- Release the pretrained models.
- Release the evaluation codes. (We are still working on developing a more robust evaluator.)
- Release the demo video.
For more information about the implementation, see README.
Please download the processed data, even if you are only running inference, as the ground-truth object mesh is required in our pipeline.
Setup and download
Install ffmpeg (if not already installed):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg
Update installed ffmpeg path in ./data_loaders/behave/utils/plot_script.py:
# Line 5
plt.rcParams['animation.ffmpeg_path'] = 'your_ffmpeg_path/bin/ffmpeg'
Setup conda env:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate t2hoi
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
pip install git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git
Download dependencies:
bash prepare/download_smpl_files.sh
bash prepare/download_glove.sh
bash prepare/download_t2m_evaluators.sh
Pleas follow this to install PointNet++.
The pretrained model (including HOI-DM and APDM):
gdown 1Xp78VJyEbWGN8nWD5T08KWiz9P4VLwci
unzip pretrain_model.zip -d .
rm pretrain_model.zip
Generate from test set prompts
python -m sample.local_generate_obj --model_path ./save/behave_enc_512/model000020000.pt --num_samples 10 --num_repetitions 1 --motion_length 10 --multi_backbone_split 4 --guidance
Generate from your text file
python -m sample.local_generate_obj --model_path ./save/behave_enc_512/model000020000.pt --num_samples 10 --num_repetitions 1 --motion_length 10 --multi_backbone_split 4 --guidance --input_text ./assets/your_text.txt
python -m train.train_affordance --save_dir ./save/my_afford_pred --dataset behave --save_interval 1000 --num_steps 20000 --batch_size 32 --diffusion_steps 500
Before your training, please download the pre-trained model here, then unzip and place them in ./checkpoints/.
mkdirs checkpoints
cd checkpoints
gdown 1PE0PK8e5a5j-7-Xhs5YET5U5pGh0c821
unzip humanml_trans_enc_512.zip -d .
cd ..
python -m train.hoi_diff --save_dir ./save/my_behave_enc_512 --dataset behave --save_interval 1000 --num_steps 20000 --arch trans_enc --batch_size 32
Render SMPL mesh
To create SMPL mesh per frame run:
python -m visualize.render_mesh --input_path /path/to/mp4/stick/figure/file
This script outputs: [YOUR_NPY_FOLDER]
- SMPL parameters (human_motion, thetas, root translations, human_vertices and human_faces)sample##_rep##_obj_params.npy
- SMPL parameters (object_motion, object_vertices and object_faces)
- This script is running SMPLify and needs GPU as well (can be specified with the
flag). - Important - Do not change the original
path before running the script.
Refer to TEMOS-Rendering motions for blender setup, then install the following dependencies.
YOUR_BLENDER_PYTHON_PATH/python -m pip install -r prepare/requirements_render.txt
Run the following command to render SMPL using blender:
YOUR_BLENDER_PATH/blender --background --python render.py -- --cfg=./configs/render.yaml --dir=YOUR_NPY_FOLDER --mode=video --joint_type=HumanML3D
optional parameters:
: render mp4 video--mode=sequence
: render the whole motion in a png image.
This code is standing on the shoulders of giants. We want to thank the following contributors that our code is based on:
BEHAVE, MLD, MDM, GMD, guided-diffusion, MotionCLIP, text-to-motion, actor, joints2smpl, MoDi.
If you find this repository useful for your work, please consider citing it as follows:
title={HOI-Diff: Text-Driven Synthesis of 3D Human-Object Interactions using Diffusion Models},
author={Peng, Xiaogang and Xie, Yiming and Wu, Zizhao and Jampani, Varun and Sun, Deqing and Jiang, Huaizu},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.06553},