A plugin for the Cinch ircbot framework to output HTML-titles for URL:s posted to the channels.
require 'cinch' require 'cinch/plugins/title' bot = Cinch::Bot.new do configure do |c| c.nick = "HTMLBot" c.server = "irc.freenode.org" c.channels = ["#cinchbots"] c.plugins.plugins = [Cinch::Plugins::Title] c.plugins.options = { Cinch::Plugins::Title => { "ignore" => [ "facebook.com" ], "max_redirects" => 5, "user_agent" => "cinch-title/0.3.1" } } end end bot.start
ignore: a list of regexps of URI:S that should be ignored
max_redirects: redirects until a non-redirect is found if not set, or set it to the max number of redirects you want the plugin to follow
user_agent: An optional user agent for the requests. Some sites do not like an empty user agent (which is curb’s default).
Copyright © 2010 Victor Bergöö. See LICENSE for details.