A Cinch plugin to be used together with ImgLog to setup image logging for IRC channels.
cURL and ImageMagicks dev files needs to be installed on the system to be able to install the needed gems. This would be libcurl4-gnutls-dev and libmagickcore2 on Debian/Ubuntu systems.
The gem can be installed with:
gem install cinch-imglog
require 'cinch' require 'cinch/plugins/imglog' bot = Cinch::Bot.new do configure do |c| c.nick = "ImgLog" c.server = "irc.freenode.org" c.channels = ["#cinchbots"] c.plugins.plugins = [Cinch::Plugins::ImgLog] c.plugins.options = { Cinch::Plugins::ImgLog = { "network" => "freenode", "service" => "http:/", "save_dir" => "/path/to/save_dir", "handshake" => "SECRET", "ignore" => [ "example.com" ] } } end end bot.start
All options except ignore is mandatory, but it’s highly suggested that ignore is used.
network => The network “name”, the name that is stored for the networks table
service => The location to the /image/add script.
save_dir => The save location for the images.
handshake => A key to know that it’s the correct bot that sends new images to store in the database
ignore => Sites to ignore, usually a good idea to ignore the your own site
Neither the creators of ImgLog nor Cinch takes any responsibility about how this plugin/site is used.
Copyright © 2011 Victor Bergöö. See LICENSE for details.