This repository contains the source code of the paper "An Accurate Union Find Decoder for Quantum Error Correction on the Toric Code", accepted at RAW24. In this paper, we present QUEKUF, an FPGA-based Union Find decoder designed for quantum error correction on the toric code. Our architecture attains up to 20.14X improvement in execution time over a C++ implementation while maintaining high accuracy, similar to the theoretical accuracy achieved by the Union Find algorithm (around 70%).
contains prebuilt binaries for different code distance configurations;Design
contains source files for our design;HostCode
contains source files for the host application;Scripts
contains scripts for dataset generation and testing;Testbench
contains source file for the Vitis HLS testbench.
The main folder also contains makefiles to build the design.
We provide already-built configurations for QUEKUF.
These binaries are contained in Build
within the corresponding folder (e.g., binaries built for code distance D = 3 are stored in the D3
Each folder contains a precompiled host, a bitstream, and a dataset that can be used to reproduce the results of the paper.
Firstly, clone the repository:
git clone
Enter the repository, then run the script
./ <code_length> <target_platform> <frequency> 350
Where the <target_platform>
is the shell of the target FPGA (xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_3_202210_1 for the AMD Xilinx U55c) and the recommended <frequency>
is 350 MHz.
When the script is done running, both the host and the FPGA bitstream will be available in a new folder called custom_dir
Before running the tests, check if matplotlib, scikit-learn, and pymatching are available on the machine. If not, run
pip install matplotlib scikit-learn pymatching
Firstly, source the Xilinx Runtime XRT and Vitis with the following commands:
source /opt/xilinx/xrt/
source /xilinx/software/Vitis/<Vitis_Version>/
We provide a script to reproduce the results for the RAW24 paper. To run such script execute the following commands:
cd Scripts
script will output a table on the terminal, reporting all the results of Table I and Figure 5 for our architecture.
Furthermore, it will produce a .pdf file reporting the plot we used to analyze the scaling of decoding time (Figure 4 in the paper).
We provide prebuilt QUEKUF (host and bitstream) for code distances from 3 to 8.
To run the experiments, within the Build
folder, enter the folder for the desired code distance:
for code distance D = 3;D4
for code distance D = 4;D5
for code distance D = 5;D6
for code distance D = 6;D7
for code distance D = 7;D8
for code distance D = 8.
Each folder already contains a dataset that can be used to reproduce the results. Once in the desired folder, run:
./QUEKUF QUEKUF.xclbin Decoder_dataset.txt
We provide users with the possibility to run tests with custom datasets.
The Scripts/
script will generate a dataset for a desired code length. This script can be run from the terminal with:
python3 Scripts/ <Code_Length>
where <Code_Length>
is the target code length.
The script will generate a new dataset called Decoder_dataset.txt
, which can then be fed to the appropriate decoder with:
./Build/D<Code_Length>/QUEKUF Build/D<Code_Length>/QUEKUF.xclbin <path/to/custom/dataset/Decoder_dataset.txt>
NOTE: a dataset generated for a specific <Code_Length>
must be fed to the corresponding decoder that supports the same code length
Contributors: Federico Valentino, Beatrice Branchini, Davide Conficconi, Donatella Sciuto, Marco Domenico Santambrogio.
If you find this repository useful, please use the following citation:
title={An Accurate Union Find Decoder for Quantum Error Correction on the Toric Code},
author={Valentino, Federico and Branchini, Beatrice and Conficconi, Davide and Sciuto, Donatella and Santambrogio, Marco D},
booktitle={2024 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)},