Quorum <img src=“https://secure.travis-ci.org/ncgr/quorum.png?branch=master” alt=“Build Status” /> <img src=“https://gemnasium.com/ncgr/quorum.png” alt=“Dependency Status” />¶ ↑
A flexible bioinformatics search tool.
Quorum is a Rails 3.1 mountable engine that supports the following bioinformatics search tools.
NCBI Blast+ (blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
Ruby >= 1.9.2
Rails >= 3.1.0
Redis >= 0.900 for Resque (github.com/defunkt/resque)
NCBI Blast+ (ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/blast+/LATEST)
Emboss (emboss.sourceforge.net)
See the gem in action.
Use the latest stable Rails release with Quorum.
gem install quorum
After you install Quorum and add it to your Gemfile, run the generator.
rails generate quorum:install
The generator will create a directory in your application’s root path
as well as the necessary config files to run and customize Quorum. You MUST customize “config/quorum_settings.yml” before using Quorum. See Remote Machine Setup below if you choose to execute Quorum remotely.
Migrate the database.
rake quorum:install:migrations rake db:migrate
Follow these steps to safely upgrade Quorum.
Make a copy of “config/quorum_settings.yml”.
cp config/quorum_settings.yml config/quorum_settings.yml.old
If you overrode Quorum’s styles and / or views, make a copy of the existing directories before upgrading.
cp -R app/assets/stylesheets/quorum app/assets/stylesheets/quorum_old
cp -R app/views/quorum/jobs app/views/quorum/jobs_old
Run the install generator and answer “Yes” to all conflicts.
rails generate quorum:install
Copy the old Search Database(s) to the newly generated “config/quorum_settings.yml” file.
Update the database migrations.
rake quorum:install:migrations rake db:migrate
If applicable, override Quorum’s views, styles and images.
Update the remote machine(s).
Build your NCBI Blast+ database(s) using the rake task below.
rake quorum:blastdb:build
DIR= - path to {.tgz, .tar.gz, .tbz, .tar.bz2} files containing raw data. Separate multiple directories with a colon (:).
TYPE= - type of Blast database to build {both, prot, nucl}. Defaults to both.
PROT_FILE_NAME= - name of the file containing protein data. Defaults to peptides.fa.
NUCL_FILE_NAME= - name of the file containing nucleotide data. Defaults to contigs.fa.
REBUILD_DB= - removes existing blast database(s) before building {true or false}. Defaults to false.
EMPTY= - skip makeblastdb and create necessary directories {true or false}. Defaults to false. Set this argument to true if you wish to create your own Blast database(s).
rake quorum:blastdb:build DIR=/path/to/dir:/path/to/another/dir TYPE=nucl \ NUCL_FILE_NAME=my_contigs.fa REBUILD_DB=true
Empty example:
rake quorum:blastdb:build EMPTY=true
For a full list of supported arguments.
rake -D
Don’t forget to update “config/quorum_settings.yml” with your newly created database(s).
Quorum provides a link to download a Blast hit sequence in the detailed report. For this process to work smoothly, the sequence identifier MUST be unique across ALL Blast databases.
Example: “example_blast_database/contigs.fa”
>my_unique_sequence_identifier_201201201327077953 ATGC...
>my_unique_sequence_identifier_201201201327078017 CGTA...
If the sequence identifiers are not unique across all Blast databases and you wish to remove the link to download a Blast hit sequence, follow the steps below.
Override Quorum’s views (see Customize Quorum below)
Comment out or remove the lines below in “app/views/quorum/jobs/templates/_blast_detailed_report_template.html.erb”
<p class="small"> <a id="download_sequence_{{= id }}" onclick="downloadSequence(<%= @jobs.id %>, {{= id }}, '{{= algo }}', this)"> Download Sequence </a> </p>
Follow the steps below to execute Quorum remotely via Net::SSH.
Ensure your ActiveRecord Database adapter in “config/database.yml” is set to any supported adapter other than sqlite3.
Ensure your database host is set and accessible via the remote machine(s).
Ensure you have supplied the necessary information in “config/quorum_settings.yml” to execute Quorum remotely.
remote: true ssh_host: remote.machine.org ssh_user: remote_user
Net::SSH.start() optional params (net-ssh.github.com/ssh/v2/api/index.html)
ssh_options: password: "secret" port: 8888
Tar and compress quorum.
tar -czvf quorum.tar.gz quorum/
Copy the newly created tarball to the remote machine.
scp quorum.tar.gz <username>@<host>:/path/to/install
Expand the tarball on the remote machine.
ssh <username>@<host>
tar -xzvf quorum.tar.gz
Ensure Quorum script dependencies are added to the remote machine’s PATH. If the remote machine doesn’t have a .bashrc file, create one.
touch /path/to/.bashrc
and add script dependencies to PATH.
echo "export PATH=/path/to/dependencies:$PATH" >> /path/to/.bashrc
To override Quorum’s default views, run the generator.
rails generate quorum:views
A copy of Quorum’s layouts and views can be found in your application under “app/views/layouts/quorum/” “app/views/quorum/”.
To override Quorum’s default styles, run the generator.
rails generate quorum:styles
A copy of Quorum’s styles can be found in your application under “app/assets/stylesheets/quorum/”. If your application has existing styles, it’s a good idea to remove
*= require_tree .
in “app/assets/stylesheets/application.css” and require your stylesheets individually.
To override Quorum’s default images, run the generator.
rails generate quorum:images
A copy of Quorum’s images can be found in your application under “app/assets/images/quorum/”.
Don’t like Quorum’s jQuery UI theme? Override it!
Override Quorum’s styles and images.
Roll your own jQuery UI theme. jqueryui.com/themeroller
Replace Quorum’s theme in “app/assets/{stylesheets:images}/quorum” with your own.
Override Quorum’s views and comment out any unwanted algorithms in “app/views/quorum/jobs/new.html.erb” and “app/views/quorum/jobs/show.html.erb”.
For example:
Remove Blastp in “app/views/quorum/jobs/new.html.erb”
<%# Search Algorithms %> <%# Comment out an algorithm below to remove it from the form. %> <%# blastn %> <%= render :partial => "quorum/jobs/form/blastn_form", :locals => { :f => f, :blast_dbs => @blast_dbs } %> <%# blastx %> <%= render :partial => "quorum/jobs/form/blastx_form", :locals => { :f => f, :blast_dbs => @blast_dbs } %> <%# tblastn %> <%= render :partial => "quorum/jobs/form/tblastn_form", :locals => { :f => f, :blast_dbs => @blast_dbs } %> <%# blastp %> <% render :partial => "quorum/jobs/form/blastp_form", :locals => { :f => f, :blast_dbs => @blast_dbs } %> <%# End Search Algorithms %>
Remove Blastp in “app/views/quorum/jobs/show.html.erb”
<div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">Blastn</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-2">Blastx</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-3">Tblastn</a></li> <%# <li><a href="#tabs-4">Blastp</a></li> %> </ul> <%# Search results per algorithm %> <div id="tabs-1"> <h2>Blastn</h2> <div id="blastn-results"> Searching... <%= image_tag "quorum/loading.gif" %> </div> </div> <div id="tabs-2"> <h2>Blastx</h2> <div id="blastx-results"> Searching... <%= image_tag "quorum/loading.gif" %> </div> </div> <div id="tabs-3"> <h2>Tblastn</h2> <div id="tblastn-results"> Searching... <%= image_tag "quorum/loading.gif" %> </div> </div> <!-- <div id="tabs-4"> <h2>Blastp</h2> <div id="blastp-results"> Searching... <%= image_tag "quorum/loading.gif" %> </div> </div> --> </div>
Override Quorum’s views and specify your own JavaScript callback function!
See “app/views/quorum/show.html.erb” for more details.
For an example using d3.js (github.com/mbostock/d3) see: github.com/ncgr/lis_sequence_search
For detailed Redis installation instructions, follow the links below.
Redis (redis.io)
Quorum provides a simple Rails environment rake task for spawning Resque workers. To customize Resque workers by adding monitoring etc., follow the link below.
Quorum mounts Resque’s web interface by default via
mount Resque::Server.new, :at => "/quorum/resque"
in “config/routes.rb”. The line above is fine for development, however, in production it’s best to grant authenticated users access to “/quorum/resque”.
HTTP Basic Example: “config/initializers/resque_http_auth.rb”
Resque::Server.use(Rack::Auth::Basic) do |user, password| user == "resque" password == "secret" end
Devise Example: “config/routes.rb”
authenticate :user do mount Resque::Server.new, :at => "/quorum/resque" end
Devise plus Declarative Authorization Example: “config/routes.rb”
# Only superusers can access Resque's web interface. resque_constraint = lambda do |request| request.env["warden"].authenticate? && request.env["warden"].user.role_symbols.include?(:superuser) end constraints resque_constraint do mount Resque::Server.new, :at => "/quorum/resque" end
To customize Quorum flash messages, edit “config/locales/quorum.en.yml”.
Fork Quorum
Create a topic branch
git checkout -b my_branch
Push to your branch
git push origin my_branch
Create a pull request from your branch
Find your name added to the README under Contributors
Add GFF3 annotations to detailed Blast reports
Add link to download multiple Blast hit sequences in detailed report
Support Hmmer3
Ken Seal (github.com/hunzinker)
John Crow (github.com/crowja)
Andrew Farmer (github.com/adf-ncgr)
MIT License. Copyright NCGR ncgr.org