Liferay, Inc. @liferay
- Diamond Bar, CA
- http://alterform.com
Douglas Crockford
I was born in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota. I left when I was 6 months old because it was too damn cold.
My latest book is _A Million And One Random Digits_.
Virgule-Solidus Anaheim
Fernando Ribeiro
Head of Delivery - Application Modernization. Views are my own.
AWS São Paulo, Brazil
Raymond Augé
Laurentian U. B.Cosc. (Hns), Sr Software Architect, OSGi Fellow/WG Steering Committee, ASF Member, Java Champion, Open Source contributor
Liferay, Inc. Ontario, Canada
Caridy Patiño
Computer Scientist, ECMA TC39 Member, Former Editor of ECMA402 Spec. Principal Architect at Salesforce. Yahoo! Alumni and Former YUI Core Team Member.
Salesforce, Inc. Miami, FL.
Nicholas C. Zakas
Creator of ESLint, independent software developer, consultant, coach, and author.
Human Who Codes LLC Boston, MA
Dav Glass
Currently taking a much needed sabbatical from Open Source and technology, please respect. Former Yahoo/Verizon Open Source guy. I'm also the creator of @HackSI
Marion, IL
npm inventor, founder npm, Inc.
Former Node BDFL.
All opinions are my own. Literally all of them. I own them all.
vlt.sh Oakland CA