Outdated version. You should use the original intel repository as cuda support has been merged. The new gui that can be seen on the intel github site is working on the nvidia jetson nano (aarch 64) now, too.
- General info
- Inspiration
- Features
- Technologies
- Hardware
- Software
- Preparation
- Setup
- Patch
- Status
- Contact
This project contains a patch for Open3D on a Jetson Nano. After you applied the patch you can use Open3D with Python, Cuda and librealsense support on a Jetson Nano. The visualizer has to be compiled separately (C++-version)
You can see Open3D on a Jetson Nano in action here
You can use your Intel Realsense Camera for mobile 3D reconstruction on the Jetson device. To get more information about the used hardware or additional components you want to use, visit https://elinux.org/Jetson_Nano
Project is inspired by https://github.com/devshank3/JetScan
Motivation for this project: Make use of Open3D library with the Intel Realsense Camera D435i on a Nvidia Jetson Nano. The last update of devshank3's repository was on 5 Mar 2020. So it doesn't compile well on an updated Jetson Nano.
Why a patch? Why not a fork? This patch is the easiest way to get already existing versions of Open3d on a Jetson Nano to work. This may be a one-time experiment, as the Jetson Nano is not the fastest hardware to experiment with.
Project is based on https://github.com/theNded/Open3D and https://github.com/intel-isl/Open3D
- Python3 support
- Cuda 10.2 support
- librealsense support
- 3D reconstruction on a Jetson Nano with Open3D (e.g. generating 3D scenes of the real world)
- (Unofficial) Open3d with cuda support
- Easy to use installation scripts (can be installed independantly / are not necessarily affected by this patch)
- Intel's librealSense support
- OpenCV version: 4.4.0 with Cuda support
3D reconstruction on a (mobile) single board computer.
Project contains:
- patch to compile Open3D for the NVidia Jetson Nano sbc with CUDA 10.2 and librealsense support.
The machine intended for this patch is a
NVIDIA Jetson Nano (Developer Kit Version)
L4T 32.4.3 [ JetPack 4.4 ]
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel Version: 4.9.140-tegra
CUDA 10.2.89
CUDA Architecture: 5.3
OpenCV version: 4.4.0
OpenCV Cuda: YES
Vision Works:
VPI: 0.3.7
- Nvidia Jetson Nano
- 5V cooling PWM fan, e.g. Noctua nf-a4x20 5V PWM.
- Intel Realsense Camera - the D435i is the only hardware tested with this patch , but other cameras may work, too.
- optional: Battery supply for outdoor use. Try one of those (untested)
Software provided here: a single patch
Software provided by others
- Nivida Jetson Nano sd-card image NVidia ATTENTION: direct download link with more than 5GB!!!
- Open3D Open3D
- librealSense IntelRealSense
- OpenCV install script by mdegans
- jetsonUtilities install script by JetsonHacks
- resizeSwapMemory install script by JetsonHacks
- installSwapfile install script by JetsonHacks
- cmake https://cmake.org/
- Eigen3 http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/cuda-10.2 /usr/local/cuda
$ export CPATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.2/targets/aarch64-linux/include:$CPATH
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.2/targets/aarch64-linux/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.2/bin:$PATH
to make sure that cuda and its headers are found at any time.
The following instructions are executed on the Jetson Nano
Most of the software that is used to successfully compile Open3D on the Jetson from source.
These steps are needed as the version of the software installed by default with apt is
- outdated or
- need to be patched or
- are not available as binaries for this architecture (aarch64)
That is:
- cmake
- Eigen3 (libeigen-dev)
- OpenCV 4.4.0
- librealSense
The official detailed how-to for compiling Open3D from source can be found here. Because there are no working python binaries available for arm computers yet you have to complete these additional steps and compile the things needed from source.
Do it. Cores will get hot during compilation. You might burn your little friend to death if you don't cool it!!!
$ mkdir git_src && cd git_src/
$ git clone https://github.com/Pyrestone/jetson-fan-ctl.git
$ cd jetson-fan-ctl/
$ sudo ./install.sh
$ sudo service automagic-fan status
$ sudo nvpmodel -q
# should be set to 10w
$ cd ~
Increase the swap memory
$ cd git_src/
$ mkdir JetsonHacks && cd JetsonHacks
$ git clone https://github.com/JetsonHacksNano/resizeSwapMemory.git
$ cd resizeSwapMemory/
$ ./setSwapMemorySize.sh -g 4
$ sudo reboot
$ free -h
$ cd ~
Update cmake (date now: 04.07.2020) to v3.18.2
$ cmake --version
$ wget https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/archive/v3.18.2/cmake-v3.18.2.tar.bz2
$ tar xvf cmake-v3.18.2.tar.bz2
$ sudo apt install libssl-dev
$ sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev
$ sudo apt remove --purge cmake
$ sudo apt autoremove
$ cd cmake-v3.18.2/
$ ./bootstrap
$ make -j3
$ sudo make install
$ which cmake
$ cmake --version
$ cd ~
Update Eigen (date now: 04.07.2020) to 3.3.7
$ wget https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/archive/3.3.7/eigen-3.3.7.tar.bz2
$ tar xvf eigen-3.3.7.tar.bz2
$ sudo apt remove --purge libeigen3-dev
$ sudo apt autoremove
$ cd eigen-3.3.7/
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
$ sudo make install
4a. Patch Eigen
$ sudo nano /usr/local/include/eigen3/Eigen/Core
in line 257 under
#if defined EIGEN_HAS_CUDA_FP16
#include <host_defines.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
otherwise cmake will be angry with you later while compiling Open3D ;-)
$ cd ~
Install a python virtual environment
$ sudo apt install python3-venv
$ cd ~
$ mkdir -p ~/.venv/jetscan
$ python3 -m venv ~/.venv/jetscan
$ source ~/.venv/jetscan/bin/activate
Update some libs in venv
$ pip3 install --upgrade pip
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install matplotlib
$ pip install cython
$ cd ~
Install OpenCV with cuda enabled in the activated python venv
$ cd git_src/
$ mkdir mdegans
$ cd mdegans
$ source ~/.venv/jetscan/bin/activate
$ git clone https://github.com/mdegans/nano_build_opencv.git
$ cd nano_build_opencv
edit build_opencv.sh with
$ nano build_opencv.sh
and remove all entries for installing the deb packages for cmake and libeigen as we installed them from source already and then run
$ ./build_opencv.sh
$ cd ~/.venv/jetscan/lib/python3.6/site-packages/
$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/cv2/python-3.6/cv2.cpython-36m-aarch64-linux-gnu.so cv2.so
$ cd ~
Install a python util to get detailed info about your jetson device
$ cd ~/git_src/JetsonHacks
$ git clone https://github.com/jetsonhacks/jetsonUtilities.git
$ cd jetsonUtilities
$ source ~/.venv/jetscan/bin/activate
$ cython2 jetsonInfo.py >*/jetsoninfo.txt
$ cd ~
Install Open3D with Cuda support
$ mkdir -p git_src/Open3D/theNded && cd git_src/Open3D/theNded
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/theNded/Open3D.git
check that you work on
commit 0ca8fd19d355d80e5998efec31858fe19791ccf5
Date: Wed Sep 2 15:01:08 2020 -0400
Update README.md
$ git log -1
in git history, otherwise
$ git checkout 0ca8fd19d355d80e5998efec31858fe19791ccf5
$ cd Open3D
Make sure that you are in the root of your Open3D installation directory. Your path should look like
$ ~/git_src/Open3d/theNded/Open3d/
now. This should be checked with
$ pwd
To apply the patch, simply download the patch with
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nanotuxi/jetsonNanoPatches/master/Open3DJetsonCudaRealSense.patch
$ git apply Open3DJetsonCudaRealSense.patch
Then you can go on with the default installation:
$ mkdir build
$ $ cd build
$ source ~/.venv/jetscan/bin/activate
$ python --version
(should be python3)
$ util/scripts/install-deps-ubuntu.sh
$ sudo apt autoremove
$ sudo apt clean
$ cmake ..
$ make -j3
$ make install-pip-package
9a. Test if Open3D python works in the virtual environment
$ python -c "import open3d"
should give you no errors.
$ cd ~
Install librealsense
$ cd ~/git_src/JetsonHacks
$ git clone https://github.com/JetsonHacksNano/installLibrealsense.git
$ cd installLibrealsense
edit buildLibrealsense.sh with
$ nano buildLibrealsense.sh
and set in line 6
# Jetson Nano; L4T 32.4.3
and set in line 9
and set in line 11
edit scripts/installDependencies.sh with
$ nano scripts/installDependencies.sh
and remove all entries for installing the deb packages for cmake and libeigen as we installed them from source already plug off your camera and then run
$ ./buildLibrealsense.sh
As last step you should revert the swap size back to the original defaults (2G), if you are working on an sd-card.
cd ~/git_src/JetsonHacks
$ ./setSwapMemorySize.sh -g 2
Here you should be able to use Open3d with Cuda support for your RealSense camera.
Project is: in progress
Created by @nanotuxi - feel free to visit my blog!