Baseline SSP2 assumptions + projection. Make your own scenario and project.
Prepared code for SSP2 projection (five R files)
- set scenario details
- set statespace
- fill statespace
- projection
- results (graphs/tables)
Setup Folders and copy files
- Create a working folder (any name; let us call it 'wic3proj'). We will later created multiple sub-folders
- Open RStudio and create an R project in the folder "wic3proj" named "gitwic3proj" (File->New Project->New Directory-> DIRECTORY NAME as "gitwic3proj", a new folder 'gitwic3proj' will be created.
- We will now download the files from the github account and save them in the folder "gitwic3proj". I have shared a zip file for the first day (unzip it and save it in the directory).
R-Studio session ..... [in the class]
- Open "Main WIC.r" and start running the first of the code until row 39. Several folders are created. Create "input_wic3proj" and "output_wic3proj" folder in the "data\output" folder
- "input_wic3proj" contains all the data files (RData and csv) needed to run the first scenario - SSP2
- "output_wic3proj" will contain an additional folder for each scenario (created within the code)
- Next, save all the input files provided (via WeChat or email in the input_wic3proj folder)
Now, we will start the scenario (SSP2)
- Open the first file "scen_w09_ssp2_emort_efert_emig.r". Let us go through this file.
- ... we will setup the scenario file using file "scen_w09*.r"
- we will create state-space for our projection "statespace.r" and "fillstatespace.r"
- we will project using file "projection.r"
- Finally, we will visualize the results using "Report cntry files rmd.r" (sorry for the long name!) and funstack.r
While in the class
- We added a missing line to projection.r
- We added a line to save files in a CSV format (yet to be updated on github)
- shared a data file "wic1_2 and wpp2022 totpop.rda", please save it in the folder ..\data\wic3proj
We will now choose a country (or more if you want)
Day2 - MDM session
- Make sure everyone can run the projection
- Change fertility assumptions - define a w11 scenario
- ...