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Fugue code and benchmarks

Code and benchmarks for the paper "The Art of the Fugue: Minimizing Interleaving in Collaborative Text Editing" by Matthew Weidner and Martin Kleppmann, 2023. See the paper's Section 5 for a description.


To reproduce the paper benchmarks:

  1. Install Node.js (we used v18.15.0, but newer should also work).
  2. In this folder:
# Install dependencies.
npm ci
# Build fugue implementations, run most benchmarks, and rewrite
# Takes ~2 hours.
npm start
# Run real text trace x100 benchmarks and rewrite
# Takes ~3 hours.
npm run B4x100

Statistics are written to, while raw data is written to crdt-benchmarks/benchmarks/results.json. Those files initially contain the measurements used in the paper.

results.json is additive: each benchmark run adds its data to the existing file, only overwriting previous data for the same benchmarks. is generated from the full results.json each time. To delete both files and start fresh, do npm run dataclean.

To speed things up, you can reduce the _TRIALS counts in crdt-benchmarks/js-lib/utils.js.


  • fugue/: Fugue
  • fugue-simple/: Fugue Simple
  • fugue-max-simple/: FugueMax Simple

Benchmarks info

The crdt-benchmarks folder is modified from by Kevin Jahns. We added our Fugue implementations to the suite (in crdt-benchmarks/benchmarks), removed measurements that are not relevant to the paper, and made minor tweaks (e.g. in B4, we measure memory usage of the "live" typing user instead of a future user who loads the document).

Info on microbenchmarks (measured but not described in the paper) is found in crdt-benchmarks/


yjs-interleave/ runs the Yjs backward interleaving (multi-replica) code from the paper's Appendix A.1.9. Run with npm start in that folder; the code is in yjs-interleave/index.js.

charts.xlsx is a spreadsheet used to calculate average throughputs and the over-time charts.