A really light-weight php library that allows you to do basic, tedious things, quicker.
$pf = new phpFast();
// this equates to: if(isset($_GET/POST/PUT['some_value']))
if($pf -> has('some_value')) {
// echo the request type, can output: post, get or put
echo $pf -> request_type();
// set the value of the get/post/put check, to a var
$value_of = $pf -> get('some_value');
// get the current request type provided by user
if($pf -> has('some_value','post')) {
// request_type() gets the info from the server
echo $pf -> request_type();
// user provided value may differ from the servers above
$value_of = $pf -> get('some_value','post');
// do we have 'some_cookie' cookie set?
if($pf -> cookie_has('some_cookie')) {
echo 'cookie - > ' . $pf - > cookie_get('some_cookie');
} else {
// sets the cookie with default expiration date to 30 days
$pf -> cookie_set('some_cookie');
// set a 60 day expiration instead
$expiration = 60;
$pf -> cookie_set('some_cookie',$expiration);
// file class to a variable..
$file = $pf -> file;
// check if a file exists
// $as_dir=true will check if a directory exists instead
if($file -> exists($path, $as_dir=false)) {
// read the file to a string
$read = $file -> read($path);
} else {
// create the file
$file -> create($path);
// write some text to the file
$file -> write($path,'some text to the file');
// Recursively remove a directory
$file -> dir_r($path);
// Create directory
$file -> dir_c('some/path/to/dir/');
// file class to a variable..
$file = $pf -> file;
// does the file exist?
if($file -> exists($path)) {
// Read the json file and convert it to a php array
$json = $file -> json_read($path);
foreach($json as $attr => $val){
// echo each attribute of the array and the value associated
echo $attr . ' -> ' . $val;
// write the php array back to the file as json
$file -> json_write($path, $json);
$pf = new phpFast();
$user = $pf -> user;
$user -> get_active_path();
// --> ../Users/
$user -> set_active_path('Data/','Users/');
// --> ../Data/Users/
$user -> exists('Username');
// --> False
$user -> register('Username','password');
// to initially set the value, force edit is set to true
$user -> edit('Username', 'Some Key Value', 'Some Value', $force_edit=true);
// editing the value
$user -> edit('Username','Some Key Value', 'Updated Value');
$string = $pf -> string;
$my_str = 'i like to eat apples and bananas';
echo $string -> replace($my_str,'apples','mangos');
// -- > i like to eat mangos and bananas
echo $string -> slice($my_str,2,-2);
// -- > like to eat mangos and banan
echo $string -> split($my_str,' ');
// -- > splits $my_str by spaces to an array
echo $string -> index($my_str,'eat');
// -- > 10
echo $string -> contains($my_str,'bananas');
// -- > True
echo $string -> between($my_str,'eat','and');
// -- > apples
echo $string -> len($my_str);
// --> 32
$date = $pf -> date;
echo $date -> today;
// -- > 01/11/2021
echo $date -> timezone;
// -- > Pacific Standard Time
echo $date -> name;
// -- > Monday
// formatting optional: h:i:sa (hours, minutes, seconds, am or pm)
echo $date -> time();
// -- > 03:49:18pm
// generates a str with todaysdate_todaystime
// optional arg $reversed=False set to true will
// produce: todaystime_todaysdate
echo $date -> file_string();
// -- > 01112021_035031
$time = $pf -> time;
echo $time -> now_ms();
// -- > 424283832323
echo $time -> now_seconds();
// -- > 424490248
// Save current time in millesconds to the stamp json file by name
$time -> stamp('some_stamp');
// Retrieve stamp value (time in milliseconds)
$time -> stamp_get('some_stamp');
// Get the time elapsed from the current time (in milliseconds) and the time of the stamp
echo $time -> stamp_time_elapsed('some_stamp');
// outputs ie: 2000 (current time) - 1000 (stamp time) = 1000 (time elapsed)
$array = $pf -> array;
$my_array = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
// simulates echo var_dump($my_array);
$array -> dump($my_array);
// lets remove the first object in our array
$array -> pop($my_array,0);
// -- > 2, 3, 4
// create an array of 2 items to add to $my_array
$append = array('append_key1' => '5', 'append_key2' => '10');
// lets push the append object to $my_var
$array -> push($my_array, $append);
// dump out the array to be readable
echo $array -> dump($my_array);
// -- >
// array(4) {
// [0] => int(2)
// [1] => int(3)
// [2] => int(4)
// [3] => array(2) {
// ["append_key1"]=>
// string(1) "5"
// ["append_key2"]=>
// string(2) "10"
// }
// gets full string query
echo $pf -> request_query();
// outputs
// https://www.someurl.com/some_php_file.php?arg1=1&arg2=2
// gets the request type
echo $pf -> request_type();
// outputs: