A JavaScript Library for simplifying notifications based on asynchronous Promises.
- Notifications can be placed anywhere on the screen. Complete control on position exists.
- A bunch of parameters can be used to customize pretty much everything in a notification.
- Any animation/transition can be added. Also, a bunch of transitions will be provided.
- Cross browser support.
- No dependencies --> written completely in JavaScript (Browser must support Promises, though).
- Very minimal. Goal is to have a non-minified version within 20kB.
- Programmatically destroy the notification, or set a timeout, or let the user destroy the notification.
- Events support - beforeEnter, afterEnter, beforeLeave, afterLeave, onClick.
- Built-in animations.
- Notifications can be placed anywhere on the screen.
- Any animations can be used to animate notifications.
- Any style can be applied to the notifications. Hence, the color, background-color, font-size, etc. can be customized.
- HTML text can be used to display the notification. As long as the text is valid HTML, JSAlerts will be able to display it.
- Close button is now functioning.
- autoClose now works.
- destroy method also works.
- Notification frame can be any CSS class. Thus, the look of the frame can also be altered.
- closeButton can be assigned a color.
- animateInDuration and animateOutDuration are functioning.
- Any errors during promise resolution are caught and reported on the console. At this point, no errors are reported, but can be altered in the future.
- Events are supported.
- Fade and Slide animations have been completed. These are placeholder animations that can be used right out of the box. Can add other custom animations.
- Notifications' position has been changed from absolute to fixed. They will always be displayed on the screen, unlike previously, where there was a chance of the viewer being in a different absolute position of the screen.