demo : downloader_star_bot
Docker :
install docker , docker-compose
set Environment or edit Config/
docker-compose up
Heroku :
git clone
edit Config/
heroku create
orheroku git:remote -a appname
git push heroku master
Cli :
install python3.8+
git clone
set Environment or edit Config/
pip install -r requirements.txt
run web :
gunicorn main:main --workers 4 --threads 4 --bind$PORT --timeout 86400 --worker-class aiohttp.GunicornWebWorker
run bot :
python -m bot
run web and bot :
Environment :
env | description | Example |
api_id | api_id Telegram to develop a robot to receive | 12345 |
api_hash | api_hash Telegram to develop a robot to receive | 21ab7cb0a453b5e60016dc7bbeb701cb |
channel_files_chat_id | Telegram channel chat ID for storing and managing files | -10012345466 |
channel_username | Telegram channel username for support | Userlandapp |
token | Telegram robot token for launch | 0000000:AAFFMMgYoL9Vjb5KUU0bXxVReUI81xuU |
domain | application domain | |
Management guide:
If a file is deleted from the storage channel, the link will expire
If a file is replayed in the storage channel and a message is sent, that message will be sent to the sender of the file
If a file is edited in the storage channel and replaced by another file, the link will download the new file
If a user is blocked from the support channel, he can no longer use the robot