A minimal ANSI text color library for use with scripts or other Go software that would benefit from enhance visual presenation but does not warrant including the CLI library
There are a variety of ways one can use the library, the easiest way is to use the build in functions for each color. After importing the library:
color.Red("[error] failed to do something")
Futhermore, it can be further simplified by doing an "_" import for an even easier:
import (
_ "github.com/multiverse-os/color"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Normal color, but then suddenly", Green("the text turns
green"), "and back to normal")
A simple example that is also uses all the color and style based ANSI codes. This however leaves out the other functionality relating to cursor, and other VT100 terminal features provided by ANSI command sequences.
package main
import (
color "github.com/multiverse-os/cli/text/ansi/color"
style "github.com/multiverse-os/cli/text/ansi/style"
func main() {
// TODO: Fix the order
// Primary 8 ANSI Colors
fmt.Printf(" +=====================+\n")
fmt.Printf(" | Primary ANSI Colors |\n")
fmt.Printf(" +=====================+\n")
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Black("Black"), color.BlackBg("BlackBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Maroon("Maroon"), color.MaroonBg("MaroonBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Green("Green"), color.GreenBg("GreenBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Olive("Olive"), color.OliveBg("OliveBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Blue("Blue"), color.BlueBg("BlueBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Magenta("Magenta"), color.MagentaBg("MagentaBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Cyan("Cyan"), color.CyanBg("CyanBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Silver("Silver"), color.SilverBg("SilverBg"))
fmt.Printf(" +---------+-----------+\n\n")
// Secondary 8 ANSI Colors
fmt.Printf(" +=====================+\n")
fmt.Printf(" |Secondary ANSI Colors|\n")
fmt.Printf(" +=====================+\n")
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Gray("Gray"), color.GrayBg("GrayBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Red("Red"), color.RedBg("RedBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Lime("Lime"), color.LimeBg("LimeBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Yellow("Yellow"), color.YellowBg("YellowBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.SkyBlue("SkyBlue"), color.SkyBlueBg("SkyBlueBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Fuchsia("Fuchsia"), color.FuchsiaBg("FuchsiaBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.Aqua("Aqua"), color.AquaBg("AquaBg"))
fmt.Printf(" | %s | %s | \n", color.White("White"), color.WhiteBg("WhiteBg"))
fmt.Printf(" +---------+-----------+\n\n")
fmt.Printf(" ANSI Style Options\n")
fmt.Printf(" +=====================+\n")
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.Bold("Bold"))
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.Dim("Dim"))
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.Italic("Italic"))
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.Underline("Underline"))
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.SlowBlink("Slow Blink"))
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.FastBlink("Fast Blink"))
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.Inverse("Inverse"))
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.Conceal("Conceal"))
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.Strikethrough("Strikethough"))
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.Framed("Framed"))
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.Encircle("Encircle"))
fmt.Printf(" %s \n", style.Overline("Overline"))