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This library is still pre-alpha, but as of March 2022, it is very quickly nearing alpha release. Which means we will freeze the API, and no changes will be made to the API until at least first release candidate. So at that point you can safely create applications and have no worry they will break from our changes. We will soon be going over public and private functions, types and fields to limit it exactly to what should be available for developers to use the library and that will finalize the process of freezing the API.
The cli
framework aims to provide a security focused, and easy-to-use
toolbox for creating command-line interfaces for simple scripts, to full
featured TUI applications. Not just the standard command-processor model
(commands, flags, params) but also shell interfaces.
Example output from application using the cli
[DEBUG][Benchmark] benmarking argument parsing [ 4.1µs ]
Maglev v0.1.0
A command-line tool for controling the maglev server, scaffolding boilerplate code, and executing developer defined commands
Usage maglev [options] [subcommand] [parameters]
console, c Start the maglev console interface
new, n Create a new maglev project
generate, g Generate new go source code for models, controllers, and views
server, s Options for controlling maglev HTTP server
version, v outputs version
Global options
-h, --help outputs command and flag details
Server options
-e, --env Specify the server environment [≅ development]
-a, --address Specify the address for the HTTP server to listen [≅]
-p, --port Specify the listening port for the HTTP server [≅ 3000]
In contrast to other cli frameworks that try to be minimal as possible, so much so as to
leave out basic functionality like stacked flags, or flag categories (see git to see
why developers might expect flag categories). cli
is acheives a minimalist code-footprint
by encapsulating its features into optional sub-packages instead of leaving out
functionality that allows developers using the library to focus on what makes
their program unique instead of code common to other cli programs. The aim is
for cli
to be reasonably small for use in simple scripts, and all the tools
needed for a modern full-featured cli application.
This means providing not just secure user input, but a variety of rich user inputs. And tools to actually create user interfaces beyond the help output.
provides multiple ways to generate ascii/text generation for tables when
and application needs to show the user data. And symbols to enrich the output
or create lists of data to present to the user. Banners, using figlet fonts, to
emphasize text, and what we use to improve the default help output. Sparkline
graphs and other ascii/text based graphs for outputing small and large datasets
in a way that is meaningful to the user. And ANSI coloring and styling,
provided individually in lean subpackages, or ANSI support for full VT100 TUI
Additionally user interfaces commonly need loading bars and spinners, so they are also included.
All of this, including the default help and version output is very easy to customize or override completely.
Features As this software is in its pre-alpha stages, not all the features below are completed, some are complete, some are in-progress, and some are in planning stages.
Full VT100 support providing ANSI coloring and styling through several sub-packages providing different levels of sophistication to provide functionality for simple scripts with little overhead, or robust full CLI applications with full SGR/CSI functionality with helpers, grid system, and other features required for complete TUI applications.
Sophisticated user input including secure password input, list/menu, multiselect, shell, and input validaiton for all basic types.
Command-line interfaces with commands, subcommands, flags, and params with full support for stacked flags, flag param separation using both " " and "=" for maximum compatibility.
Loading Bars & Spinners easy to customize, and included as indepedent subpackages for minimal overhead.
ASCII/Text helpers in the form of Tables, Graphs/Histograms, QR Codes, Banners (using figlet fonts), symbol sets (using unicode) for a variety of purposes.
Localization support
is the example included with the package, and used in some of the test
package main
import (
cli "github.com/multiverse-os/cli"
rectangles "github.com/multiverse-os/cli/terminal/loading/bars/rectangles"
circle "github.com/multiverse-os/cli/terminal/loading/spinners/circle"
func randomWait() {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(2)+2) * time.Second)
func main() {
cmd, initErrors := cli.New(cli.App{
Name: "dev-cli",
Description: "an example cli application for scripts and full-featured applications",
Version: cli.Version{Major: 0, Minor: 1, Patch: 1},
GlobalFlags: cli.Flags(
Name: "language",
Alias: "l",
Default: "en",
Description: "Locale used when executing the program",
Category: "Server",
Name: "port",
Alias: "p",
Default: "3000",
Description: "Port the server will listen on",
Category: "Server",
Name: "address",
Alias: "a",
Description: "Host address the server will listen on",
Category: "Server",
Name: "daemon",
Alias: "d",
Description: "Daemonize the program when launching",
Commands: cli.Commands(
Name: "list",
Alias: "l",
Description: "complete a task on the list",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
spinner := c.CLI.Spinner().Animation(circle.Animation)
spinner.Message("Water, Dirt & Grass")
spinner.Message("Trees, Debris & Hideouts")
spinner.Message("Wildlife, Werewolves & Bandits")
spinner.Message("Sounds of wildlife & trees waving in the wind")
spinner.Message("Hiding treasure in the haunted woods...")
return nil
Flags: cli.Flags(
Name: "filter",
Alias: "f",
Default: "all",
Description: "filter all the things",
Subcommands: cli.Commands(
Name: "add",
Description: "lists all of something",
Flags: cli.Flags(
Name: "test",
Alias: "t",
Default: "what",
Description: "A test filter",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
loadingBar := c.CLI.LoadingBar().Animation(rectangles.Animation)
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(135)+22) * time.Millisecond)
if loadingBar.Increment(1) {
//// NOTE: run code between two start and stop
fmt.Printf("how many flags does context have (%v)\n", len(c.Flags))
c.CLI.Log("====> c.Flag(\"l\"):", c.Flag("l").String())
c.CLI.Log("add a thing to the list")
for _, command := range c.Commands {
c.CLI.Log("[COMMAND:" + command.Name + "]")
for _, flag := range command.Flags {
c.CLI.Log(" '==>[FLAG][NAME:" + flag.Name + "][VALUE:" + flag.String() + "][DEFAULT:" + flag.Default + "]")
for _, flag := range c.Flags {
c.CLI.Log("flag.Name : ", flag.Name)
c.CLI.Log("flag.Value: ", flag.String())
return nil
Name: "show",
Alias: "sh",
Description: "show and item in the list",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
c.CLI.Log("example action")
return nil
Actions: cli.Actions{
OnStart: func(c *cli.Context) error {
//c.CLI.Log("OnStart action")
return nil
//Fallback: func(c *cli.Context) error {
// c.CLI.Log("Fallback action")
// return nil
OnExit: func(c *cli.Context) error {
//c.CLI.Log("OnExit action")
// c.CLI.Log("=====================================================")
// // TODO: Switch to only using these and document this log system in the
// // API better
// c.CLI.Log("Command.Name: ", c.Command.Name)
// c.CLI.Log("flag count [ ", string(c.Command.Flags.Count()), "] :")
// c.CLI.Log("=====================================================")
// for _, command := range c.Commands {
// c.CLI.Log("=====================================================")
// c.CLI.Log("command:", command.Name)
// //c.CLI.Log("command:action= [", command.Action, "]")
// for _, flag := range command.Flags {
// c.CLI.Log("command:flag= [", command.Name, "][", flag.Name, "][", flag.String(), "]")
// }
// }
// for _, flag := range c.Flags {
// c.CLI.Log("=====================================================")
// c.CLI.Log("flag.Name : ", flag.Name)
// c.CLI.Log("flag.Value: ", flag.String())
// }
// c.CLI.Log("=====================================================")
return nil
if len(initErrors) == 0 {