temporary repo for a TVB-NEST demonstrator
This repository is a demonstration for the co-simulation between TVB, NEST and Elephant.
It should be flexible and scalable to adapt to any networks simulation and run in supercomputers.
It's a demonstration of a work underdevelopment: https://github.com/multiscale-cosim/TVB-NEST
For the installation, you should look at the script in the folder install. The docker file is a good example
of finding of the missing dependency.
The ubuntu_installation.sh is an incomplete script to install all the tools.
This demonstration is based on the example of NEST and TVB. It can help you to develop your own co-simulation
but it is not optimized and it can miss some functionalities.
For running the example, run the script nest_elephant_tvb/launcher/run.py
- install: Documentation of the project
- nest_elephant_tvb: file which contains all the kernel of the simulation
- launcher:
- run.py: main script of the simulation on one simulator or the co-simulation.
- nest: folder contains all the file to configure and launch Nest
- Balanced_network_reduce_co-sim.sh: run the NEST example
- utils_function.py: function used for the Nest simulation
- transformation: folder contains the transformer between TVB and Nest using Elephant
- communication: functions for internal ad external communication
- internal.py: abstract classes for the internal communication/ the communication between component of the transformer
- internal_mpi.py: implementation with MPI communication
- internal_thread.py: implementation with thread communication
- mpi_io_external.py: management the mpi communication with the simulator
- simulator: Communication with simulator
- Nest_IO: communication with NEST simulator
- TVB_IO: communication with TVB simulator
- transformation_function: function for the transformation
- abstract_transformation_function.py: Management communication with the other components of the transformer
- transformation_function.py: implementation of the transformation function
- nest_to_tvb: launcher of the component of the transformer between NEST to TVB
- tvb_to_nest: launcher of the component of the transformer between TVB to NEST
- communication: functions for internal ad external communication
- TVB_simple_example_co_sim.sh: run the TVB example
- wrapper_TVB_mpi.py: wrapper of TVB for management of the MPI communication. *utils.py: functions shared by all the modules
- launcher: