Unobtrusive scratch window. Inspired by scratch.vim, enhanced.
- Scratch window automatically hides when inactive.
- Mappings allow easy note taking and selection pasting directly into the scratch buffer.
- Optional persistence across sessions.
opens a scratch buffer in a new window (by default using the top 20% of the screen, configurable viag:scratch_height
). The window automatically closes when inactive (and its contents will be available the next time it is opened).gs
in normal mode opens the scratch window and enters insert mode. The scratch window closes when you leave insert mode. This is especially useful for quick
in visual mode pastes the current selection (character-wise, line-wise or block-wise) into the scratch buffer.
Both above mappings have a gS
variant that clears the scratch buffer before
opening it. Note also that the auto-closing features require hidden
to be set
(and can be disabled via the g:scratch_autohide
By default the contents of the scratch window are lost when leaving Vim. To
enable cross-session persistence, set the g:scratch_persistence_file
to a valid file path.
See :help Scratch
for the full list of configuration options and more details
on each.
With Pathogen.vim:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/scratch
With Vundle.vim:
Plugin 'mtth/scratch.vim'
With NeoBundle.vim:
NeoBundle 'mtth/scratch.vim'
Otherwise simply copy the folders into your .vim