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MSYS2 Installer

Nightly build


CLI Usage examples

Installing the GUI installer via the CLI to C:\msys64:

.\msys2-x86_64-latest.exe in --confirm-command --accept-messages --root C:/msys64

Uninstalling an existing installation in C:\msys64 via the CLI:

C:\msys64\uninstall.exe pr --confirm-command

Installing the self extracting archive to C:\msys64:

.\msys2-base-x86_64-latest.sfx.exe -y -oC:\


What's the difference between the installer and the archives?

The installer provides some additional features such as installing shortcuts, registering an uninstaller, a GUI for selecting the installation path and automatically running a login shell at the end to initialize the MSYS2 environment.

If you unpack the archives and run a login shell once, you will get a functionally equivalent MSYS2 installation.

What is contained in the installer/archives?

It contains the base package and all its dependencies. You can list the contained packages using: pactree base -lu | sort